EGEE 102
Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

EGEE 102: Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

Olumide Ogunmodimu, Ph.D.
Olumide Ogunmodimu, Ph.D.
Penn State University


Fall 2024
Olumide Ogunmodimu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering

Course Overview

Description: Energy is a vital component of modern society. Much of the general population believes that the energy sources we depend on are perpetual. While people believe that energy use is the culprit for environmental damage, they are not aware of the methods and principles by which energy conversion devices operate. This general education course will provide you with the necessary knowledge and information on the main operating principles of devices/appliances that are in common use, and information on how to make the right decision in selecting the most energy-efficient and economical choice. These devices are day-to-day appliances such as refrigerators, washers and dryers, ovens, etc., and home heating or cooling and transportation choices. The course also provides necessary information on heating furnaces, insulation, doors and windows, lighting, and air conditioning principles. The objective of the course is to expose you to energy efficiency in day-to-day life in order to save money and energy and thereby protect the environment. I hope the information in this course will help you become an environmentally responsible individual of this Global Village.

Course Objectives

Welcome to EGEE 102: Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection!

This course is designed to help you:

  • gain a basic understanding and appreciation of energy efficiency and environmental concepts;
  • learn basic operating principles of day-to-day energy conversion devices;
  • discuss various options to increase energy efficiency;
  • examine ways to save energy and money; and
  • explore ways to save the environment.

Course Outline

  • Lesson 1: Energy and Society
    • Forms of Energy
    • Measurement of Energy
    • Sources of Energy
    • Power
    • Energy Use of Some Home Appliances
  • Lesson 2: Energy Supply and Demand
    • Global Energy Consumption
    • United States Energy Consumption
    • Growth in the Energy Demand
    • Energy Reserves
  • Lesson 3: Energy Efficiency
    • What is Thermal Energy and How is It Measured?
  • Lesson 4: Energy and the Environment
    • Products of Combustion
    • Heath and Environmental Effects of the Primary Pollutants
    • Secondary Pollutants
    • Global and Regional Effects of Secondary Pollutants
    • Impacts of Global Warming
    • Is there a Solution for this potential Global Warming?
    • Global Warming: Your “Power” in the Environmental Protection
    • Acid Rain
    • Ozone and Environment
  • Lesson 5: Home Heating Basics
    • Mechanisms of Heat Loss or Transfer
    • Conduction Heat Losses
    • Calculation of Home Heat Loss
    • Fuel Choices for Home Heating
    • Energy Costs
  • Lesson 6: Home Heating Systems
    • Central Ducted Air Systems
    • Radiant Heating Systems
    • Direct or In Situ Heating Systems
    • Cooling and Heating/Cooling Systems
    • Heat Movers
    • Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pumps
    • Solar Energy for Home Heating
    • Home Heating: Your “Power” in the Environmental Protection
  • Lesson 7: Home Cooling
    • How do We Measure Humidity?
    • How does an Air Conditioner Work?
    • Types of Air Conditioners
    • Saving Energy
    • Home Cooling: Your “Power” in the Environmental Protection
  • Lesson 8: Windows
    • Factors in Window Selection
    • Advances in Window Technologies
  • Lesson 9: Lighting
    • How is Lighting Measured?
    • How Much Light is Needed?
    • Types of Lighting
    • Life Cycle Cost Analysis
    • Efficacy of Light Bulb
  • Lesson 10: Appliances
    • Appliance Energy Consumption
    • Energy Guide Labels
    • Water Heaters
    • Refrigerators
    • Clothes Washers and Dryers
    • Clothes Dryers
    • Dishwashers


All the instructional material for EGEE 102 is presented online. As described above, EGEE 102 consists of 10 online lessons. These lessons include text, graphics, videos, animations, interactive Flash activities, numerical problems, and electronic whiteboard discussions of numerical problems. Quizzes have been developed to test your understanding of the material covered in the 10 lessons. Some examples of the instructional material used in EGEE 102 are provided below.

  • Movies
  • Animations
  • Interactive Flash Activities
  • Numerical Problems