Quick Facts about EGEE 299/EMSC 299
- Instructor - Haley J. Sankey, Assistant Teaching Professor, John A. Dutton e-Education Institute, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University.
- Overview - EGEE 299/EMSC 299 is an international study experience in which a student completes 3 credits in a Penn State, or equivalent, education abroad program. ("Abroad" is broadly defined and may vary on a student-by-student basis. In situations where this may be unclear, please consult with the EGEE 299/EMSC 299 course instructor.)
Students majoring in Energy and Sustainability Policy are required to complete either EGEE 299/EMSC 299 Foreign Studies or EGEE 495 Internship, for three credits.
Credit is awarded through the following options:
- by taking a Penn State class abroad, using listings available through the Penn State Office of Global Programs
- by taking a course abroad with an alternate accredited higher education institution,and then transferring 3 or more credits through the Penn State Office of Admissions, or
- or by completing a Credit by Portfolio Assessment, through the ESP program. The student's portfolio will demonstrate learning equivalent to 3 credits of study obtained through an educational/work experience in an international setting.
- Learning Environment - This website provides the primary instructional materials for the course. The Resources menu links to important supporting materials, while Assignments links to the primary materials you'll need for the course. Canvas, Penn State's course management system, is used to support the delivery of this course as well, as it provides the primary communications, calendaring, and submission tools for the course.
This course is offered as part of the Repository of Open and Affordable Materials at Penn State. You are welcome to use and reuse materials that appear on this site (other than those copyrighted by others) subject to the licensing agreement linked to the bottom of this and every page.
Want to join us? Students who register for this Penn State course gain access to assignments and instructor feedback and earn academic credit. Official course descriptions and curricular details can be reviewed in the University Bulletin.