EME 504
Foundations in Sustainability Systems


EME 504 will provide you with the theoretical foundations of sustainability issues and studies of sustainability systems. To achieve this goal, you will complete twelve modules based on the assigned readings. Sustainability systems is a dynamic area of research, with contributions coming from a broad range of academic fields. What that means for this course is that there will be some flexibility in the course’s content to accommodate new developments and that we need to choose a common language – in this case, the language of green engineering. Although your readings and most of our discussions will begin from a science/engineering standpoint, this is not a limitation to the direction of our conversations.

As with other core courses in the Intercollege Master of Professional Studies in Renewable Energy and Sustainability Systems (iMPS-RESS), one of the strengths of EME 504 is that it brings together students from very different backgrounds to create a vibrant community of learning. Hence, your active participation in the online forums and class activities is our most valuable asset.

Before we begin our semester of study together, it is important that you review all of the material on the course orientation pages (there are several) and on our course syllabus. These resources will prepare you to be successful in this course and will make the journey over semester significantly easier.

What will we learn about in the Course Orientation?

  • The structure of EME 504
  • An overview of the Learning Environment
  • Technical requirements for EME 504
  • How to succeed in this course

What is due for the Course Orientation?

Optimally, you should complete the Course Orientation before the first week of class. Please refer to the Course Calendar for specific time frames and due dates.

The following is an overview of those activities that must be submitted for the Course Orientation. Detailed directions and submission instructions are located within this orientation.

  1. Adjust your Canvas Settings.
  2. Log in to this website.
  3. Introduce yourself and meet the rest of the class in Canvas.


If you have any questions, please post them to our Help discussion forum (not email). I will check that discussion forum daily to respond. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses if you, too, are able to help out a classmate.

Keep reading!

On the following pages, you will find important information about the course structure, requirements, scheduling, and technical requirements and assistance—all of which you'll need to know in order to pass the course. Remember, you are also responsible for the information located on our course syllabus.