This lesson will introduce the concept of sun tracking and will discuss how it can improve the performance of solar energy systems. The sun is a light source that is not fixed, but rather is constantly moving relative to a solar receiver. This leads to significant variability of the available radiation and, as a result, variability of power output and efficiency of a solar energy conversion system. The idea of sun tracking was developed in attempt to mitigate that variability to some extent and in pursuit of higher efficiency and extending the solar power production over the course of the day. Tracking technology is more often associated with utility scale solar plants rather than small residential systems. Some examples of tracking include single-axis and two-axis tracking of PV panels, moving heliostats in solar tower thermal plants, variable tilt parabolic trough systems, and Stirling dish concentrators - systems whose operation heavily relies on the accuracy of tracking. In this lesson, we will first discuss when tracking is a viable idea, and what systems can benefit from it. Then, we will study the geometry of the solar motion through the sky and define the parameters that characterize the position of the sun relative to a solar receiver at a certain location and time. This background would be important in understanding any tracking algorithms. Some examples and activities within this lesson will involve geometric calculations that will help you to better understand how this technology works.
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Kaligirou, A, Solar Energy Engineering, Chapter 2: Environmental Characteristics.
Brownson, J.R.S., Solar Energy Conversion Systems, Chapter 7. Applying the Angles to Shadows and Tracking, pp. 192-196.
Both books are available for reading online through the Penn State Library system. See the "Library Resources" / E-Reserves tab in Canvas.
Solar tracking is a technology for orienting a solar collector, reflector, or photovoltaic panel towards the sun. As the sun moves across the sky, a tracking device makes sure that the solar collector automatically follows and maintains the optimum angle to receive the most of the solar radiation. Some solar concentrators hugely benefit from tracking, while some others do not. So, the tracking systems can be added with additional cost and certain trade-offs in system design only when it pays off.
The required accuracy of tracking varies with application. For example, concentrators, especially in solar cell applications, require a high degree of accuracy to ensure that the concentrated sunlight is directed precisely to the solar conversion element. Tracking the sun from east in the morning to west in the evening can increase the efficiency of a solar panel up to 45%, according to some manufacturers [Linak [1]]. Precise tracking of the sun is achieved through systems with single or dual axis tracking.
Watch this introductory video (5:33), which provides an illustration to the benefits of sun tracking:
DEGERenergie - Solar Tracking Systems (5:33)
Systems that employ trackers
So, what types of systems should include tracking devices (a.k.a. trackers)?
First of all, the systems that specifically utilize the direct beam radiation benefit from tracking. In majority of concentrating solar power (CSP) systems, the optics accept only the beam radiation and therefore must be oriented appropriately to collect energy. Such systems will not produce power unless pointed at the sun. Tracking is required for heliostats in central receiver (solar tower) systems. CSP collectors require significant degree of accuracy of sun tracking.
In photovoltaic (PV) applications, tracking devices can be used to minimize the angle of incidence of incoming solar rays onto a PV panel. This increases the amount of energy produced per unit of installed power generating capacity. This increases the efficiency of the system and its cost-effectiveness, but, at the same time, tracking is not strictly required for regular flat panel PV as they accept both beam and diffuse radiation.
In concentrating photovoltaics (CPV), the optics requires beam radiation and therefore must be oriented appropriately to focus light on the PV collector to maximize the energy converted. CPV modules that concentrate in one dimension must be tracked normal to the sun in one axis. CPV modules that concentrate in two dimensions must be tracked normal to the sun in two axes [Solar Tracker from [3]]. CPV modules require high degree of accuracy of sun tracking.
There are many types of solar trackers, which are different in costs, design complexity, and performance. But we can distinguish two basic classes of systems:
In more detail, these types of trackers will be studied in Section 3.3. of this lesson.
With tracking incorporated in the system design, the cost of the system is understandably higher compared to fixed tilt systems. According to the US DOE report [Barbose et al., 2013], "among projects completed in 2012, the capacity-weighted average installed price in US dollars was 3.3/W for systems with crystalline modules and fixed tilt, compared to 3.6/W for crystalline systems with tracking and 3.2/W for thin-film, fixed-tilt systems." Efforts are constantly made by manufacturers to lower the cost of the tracking systems, making them less complex, more compact, reliable, and easier to maintain. In spite of the additional costs, use of trackers is often a preferred option for utility-scale installations due to the significant boost to the system performance. Figure 3-1 shows the trend of increasing use of tracking systems in the U.S. utility-scale PV installations over the 2007–2017 decade. Cumulative tracking system installation reached 79% in 2017 (meaning that only 21% of large PV installations opt not to use trackers). These data include both one-axis and dual-axis tracking systems cumulatively, however there are many more one-axis trackers deployed than dual-axis trackers.
For most solar tracking applications, we need a reasonably accurate knowledge of where the sun will be at a specific hour during each day in a year. Theory is well-developed to calculate the sun position with respect to the observation point on the earth surface, and it sets the background for design and modeling of both photovoltaic and concentrating solar power systems of various scale.
In order to discuss tracking or any other adjustments of solar receivers, it would be useful first to understand the sun's path across the sky dome. We are going to turn to the following reading, which describes the key parameters of the solar motion.
Book chapter: Kalogirou, A, Solar Energy Engineering [5], Chapter 2: "Environmental Characteristics." pp. 51-63. (See E-Reserves via the Library Resources tab.)
This reading explains a lot about the geometry of sun movement, provides the key equations and example calculations alongside with them. The objective here would be to learn how to estimate the sun position and draw its track for a particular location and time of the year.
The above materials provide the main tools for predicting the position of the sun at a location of choice at any specific time. Let us summarize a few key takeaways from this reading.
The main parameters to determine are solar altitude (α) and solar azimuth (z). Here are the equations that are used to calculate these coordinates:
(3.1) |
(3.2) |
Let us consider an example showing how to use these equations.
Calculate the solar position for Abu-Dhabi (UAE) on January 15 at 2 pm local time.
For this calculation, we will use equations (3.1) and (3.2) to find the solar altitude and solar azimuth, respectively. We will need to find the following parameters:
L - local latitude - Abu-Dhabi coordinates are: latitude 24.492o N, and longitude 54.358o E
You can use this website to get GIS data [6].
δ - declination - It is a function of the day of the year (N). For Jan 15, δ = -21.27o
as found by Eq. (2.5), Kalogirou's text.
h - hour angle - It is a function of the time of the day. For 2 pm, h = 22.04o as found by Eq. (2.9), Kalogirou's text. For calculating hour angle, you need to determine the apparent solar time (AST), which is given by Eq. (2.3) of Kalogirou's text.
You can also use this helpful resource and embedded calculator [7] to find AST. (You may want to bookmark it to use in your homework!)
Applying it to the current location, we find that AST = 13.47 hr decimal time or 1:28 pm clock time. And the hour angle will be:
Now we can plug these L, δ, and h numbers into Eq. (3.1):
α = 39.47o
For solar azimuth, we use Eq. (3.2):
z = 26.93o
This calculation can be essentially used for any location and any time in a year. The algorithms available help to produce detailed solar resource data for different settings. These data are available for reference and use, so you do not have to calculate all things from scratch, although it is useful to understand the theoretical background of it.
We can use the Sun Path Chart Program calculator [8] [8]at the University of Oregon's Solar Radiation Monitoring Laboratory website to obtain a complete picture of sun movement throughout the year. The calculator allows data to be plotted in either orthogonal or polar coordinates. For example, the diagram below (Figure 3.2) was obtained for the same location (Abu Dhabi).
In this diagram, the solar altitude (elevation) is plotted versus solar azimuth, as shown by the blue curves for each date. There are a few representative dates shown, and January 21 is the closest to the calculation example previously given. Note that the solar azimuth is given on the 360o scale, with 180o corresponding to the south. Alternatively, Kalogirou uses the coordinate system and formulae to calculate solar parameters versus 0o as true south, with negative azimuth values corresponding to morning and positive azimuth values corresponding to afternoon hours. So beware of that difference if you try to match data from both sources. On the Sun Path diagram, the hourly position of the sun is marked by the red curves. In this particular case, the local standard times are plotted, while a similar diagram can be made in terms of solar time.
(This calculation will be submitted as part of Lesson 3 problem set).
You may need to find geographical coordinates and time zone for your location as input. Here is one of the websites that can be conveniently used for that purpose: [9]. Just type in your location and get the data.
The above materials and activity make sure that you can employ proper tools for defining solar position on the sky dome. Further on, the receiver positioning algorithms will use this information as the operational basis. Different types of tracking systems are discussed in the next section of the lesson.
NREL Report: Reda, I.; Andreas, A. (2003). Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008. [10] (1.9 MB PDF Document)
In technical sense, sun tracking is a method to keep the surface of the solar panel or a collector perpendicular to the incident solar rays. This is the ideal condition, when maximum amount of solar energy is transmitted to the receiving surface.
When the incident ray is not perpendicular to the surface (which is often the case with fixed-tilt systems), the angle of incidence is not zero (q ¹ 0), and part of the incident energy will be lost due to so-called cosine effect. To maximize efficiency of the system, we should always seek ways to minimize the cosine effect at any particular moment of time.
The figure below shows two scenarios: the left image illustrates an ideal situation, when solar rays come down on the surface of solar collector (PV panel) at the 90o angle; the right image shows what happens when the Sun moves across the sky while the panel remains fixed.
In the second case, the sun rays come down to the surface at an angle q, which will decrease the amount of energy absorbed by the surface, and thus will lower the system efficiency. By how much?
We can try to estimate this reduction due to cosine effect if we break down the G vector into two components: one perpendicular to the surface () – useful component that would be absorbed, and one - parallel to the surface () – non-useful component that would be reflected or somehow lost.
For example, if we assume incident irradiance to be 1000 W/m2, and angle of incidence 30o, then
Thus, without considering other inefficiencies, losses due to cosine effect are expected to be around 13.4% at this angle, which is quite substantial.
Tracking can be an effective solution to minimize these performance losses. Tilting the panel by the angle (b) equal to the zenith angle would set the panel perpendicular to the sun rays once again.
The early attempts to eliminate cosine effect would involve annual adjustment of panel angle throughout the day. But that would be tedious, inaccurate, and too discrete, while the Sun stays in constant motion on its daily path. Present-day automatic trackers use algorithms that are able to continuously track the Sun with accuracy of .
Tracking systems are classified by the mode of their motion. We can define three axes for a moving surface (which represents a receiver): two horizontal axes and one vertical axis (Figure 3.3). The surface can be rotated around each axis (tilted) to achieve an appropriate angle with respect to the incident solar beam. When movement or adjustment of the surface is done by rotating around one axis (tilting), it is single-axis tracking. When rotation of the surface is done around two axes simultaneously, it is two-axis tracking. Two-axis tracking allows for the most precise orientation of the solar device, is reported to provide 40% gain in energy absorption, but it is more complex and costly. Such two-axis systems are also used for controlling astronomical telescopes.
In case of single-axis tracking, the axis of rotation is usually oriented in the N-S direction or E-W direction. Tilting is performed in a way to minimize the incidence angle. In case of two-axis tracking, ideally, the incidence angle is always zero, i.e., the surface is kept perpendicular to the solar beam.
Read about various tracking modes in the following sources.
Book chapter: Kalogirou, A, Solar Energy Engineering, Chapter 2: Environmental Characteristics. pp. 64-71. (See E-Reserves via the Library Resources tab.)
This reading is the continuation of the same chapter you read in the previous section of the lesson. It describes different types of single-axis and dual-axis tracking systems and compares their performance by the amount of received solar energy.
Book chapter: Brownson, J.R.S., Solar Energy Conversion Systems, Chapter 7. Applying the Angles to Shadows and Tracking, pp. 192-196. (See E-Reserves via the Library Resources tab.)
This reading gives a few more descriptions of tracking modes, some different from those listed in Kalogirou's book. You will also read here about specific advantages of particular types of tracking systems.
So, from reading these chapters, you now have quite complete list of different ways of tracking, and corresponding formulae to describe the relative position of the sun and inclined surface. The following activities will give you an opportunity to practice the basic calculations involved in two-axis and single-axis tracking. The first problem considers a simple case of two-axis tracking. As long as we know the solar coordinates, we can orient the receiver in that direction. But the tracking system that moves the plane needs precise input data, which we try to obtain here.
The system is a heliostat with two-axis tracking: one vertical axis, and one horizontal (SN) axis. The goal is to determine the azimuth for the heliostat orientation and tilt angle for the horizontal axis at any time of the day to supply these data to the tracking system. A sketch of the collector is given below, and the blue line is the horizontal axis we want to tilt. The red line denotes the vertical axis, about which the collector can be rotated.
Calculate and tabulate a set of Zs-β data for every hour during the daylight period on March 21 at your chosen location. Feel free to use any available resources (solar path diagrams or appropriate equations) to determine the position of the sun.
In this calculation, we can assume that incidence angle on the surface of the collector will be zero at any moment.
Please provide references and explanation to your work.
This calculation will be submitted as part of Lesson 3 problem set.
The second problem on this topic considers the single-axis tracking case - one with horizontal NS axis and EW tracking (see Kalogirou's chapter, p. 69). In this case, the receiver has only one degree of freedom, so its motion is limited. We will not be able to reach the zero incidence angle, but we will try to minimize it in order to maximize the solar radiation on the plane.
Consider a flat collector with a fixed horizontal NS axis and tilting EW axis (see sketch below, side view). Because the NS axis is fixed, the surface azimuth (Zs) is either -90o when it tilted east, or +90o when it is tilted west. The β angle defines the tilt, which is applied to minimize the incidence angle on the surface.
For your chosen location, determine and tabulate the surface position parameters (Zs-β ) for every hour on March 21st. Feel free to use any available resource to determine the sun position. Make sure to provide references and explanation to your work.
This calculation will be submitted as part of Lesson 3 problem set.
The main elements of a tracking system include [Rockwell Automation, 2011]:
Linear actuators are common technical tools that proved to be effective solution for moving the solar receivers. An electric linear actuator is a device that converts the rotational motion of an electric motor into linear motion. With linear actuators you can lift, slide, adjust, tilt, push or pull objects of various mass, and they are easy to implement in many different applications. Mechanically, linear actuators are quite simple devices that have been extensively deployed in 2-axis and 1-axis trackers due to their precision and service reliabilty.
The following video provides a rather detailed overview of the design, principle of operation, and specifications of electric linear actuators:
The technical details of all the components of tracking systems would be beyond the scope of this course. It is important to understand though that additional components and more complexity, while improving efficiency of the solar panels and reflectors, add to the cost of the whole system and consume additional energy.
This following video (4:25) demonstrates some technical features of a single-axis tracking system:
Journal paper: Mousazadeh, H. et al., A review of principle and sun-tracking methods for maximizing solar systems output, [14] Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 13 (2009) 1800–1818.
In Lesson 3, we discussed the benefits of sun tracking for performance of the solar energy conversion systems. It is clear that although tracking helps to collect more solar radiation per square unit of solar receiver, the tracking systems may be complex and costly, and hence should be used only when benefits in terms of efficiency outweigh the expenses for extra energy and equipment. We reviewed the fundamentals of solar motion, and you should now be comfortable using the key equations to calculate the sun position at any time at any location on the earth. This lesson included description of different modes of tracking - single-axis and two axis - and gave you an opportunity to perform some basic calculations and work with available data on solar path. I hope you found the resources in this lesson useful and that, in the future, you will feel confident applying those calculation methods to the systems of your choice. Tracking certainly is a worthy technology when we look at the utility scale solar systems, as this technology provides an even more significant boost when scaled up. A number of companies are currently specialized in tracking technologies, constantly innovating and creating more and more robust systems for future solar plants.
The table below summarizes all activities that are due for this lesson. Some of those have been included in the body of the lesson, and this list simply repeats them for your reference.
Type | Description/Instructions |
Reading | Complete all assigned reading for this lesson. |
Yellowdig Discussion | Discussion "Tracking systems": Lesson 3
Written Assignment | Problem set on sun position and tracking Please complete the Problem Set posted within this lesson (you can also download this problem set as a single document from Canvas module):
You can type your solutions or hand-write them and scan to a PDF file (just make sure that all is legible). Submit your work to the respective Dropbox in Lesson 3 Module. |
Barbose, G., Darghouth, N., Weaver, S., and Wiser, R., Tracking the Sun VI. An Historical Summary of the Installed Price of Photovoltaics in the United States from 1998 to 2012. US Department of Energy, July 2013.
Brownson, J.R.S., Solar Energy Conversion Systems, Elsevier, 2014.
Kaligirou, A, Solar Energy Engineering, Elsevier, 2014.
LINAK Group Inc., We Catch the Sun [15]. 2015.
Rockwell Automation, Solar Tracking Application [16], White Paper. 2011.
UO SRML - University of Oregon, Sun Radiation Monitoring Laboratory, Sun Path Chart Program, 2007.
Wikipedia [3]