Explore Sustainability Applications in Colorado!
Dan Kasper & Haley Sankey, Instructors
CAUSE 2019: Applied Sustainability in Contemporary Culture (EMSC 470 Sp/Su/Fall 2019) is an exploration of a variety of novel sustainability applications in Colorado. Topics include urban and rural food production, "zero waste" policies, permaculture, solar photovoltaics, micro-hydroelectricity, anaerobic digestion, hospitality, oil and gas, sustainable brewing practices and more!

Course Structure
The three-semester program includes one credit of online coursework in the spring semester, which will include mandatory online meetings. EM SC 240N (or EM SC 297a, EM SC 240) is a pre-requisite for the CAUSE program and can be taken in tandem with the one credit EMSC 470 in the spring semester.
The summer semester is comprised of one credit of travel during June 22-30th, 2019 where students will visit multiple sites in Denver, Boulder, and Paonia, Colorado to learn more about sustainability and energy practices and policies here in the United States. Students will identify their fall project topic during travel and will complete journaling exercises related to their travel experiences.
Fall semester is an online two-credit course in which students will complete research projects identified during their travel. Approved projects may be team-based or completed individually.