GEOG 160
Mapping Our Changing World

2. Checklist


The following checklist is for Penn State students who are registered for classes in which this text, and associated quizzes and projects in the ANGEL course management system, have been assigned. You may find it useful to print this page out first so that you can follow along with the directions.

Chapter 3 Checklist (for registered students only)

Step Activity Access/Directions
1 Read Chapter 3 This is the second page of the Chapter. Click on the links at the bottom of the page to continue or to return to the previous page, or to go to the top of the chapter. You can also navigate the text via the links in the GEOG 482 menu on the left.
2 Submit five practice quizzes including:
  • Census Attribute Data
  • Recognizing Levels of Measurement
  • Levels and Operations
  • Thematic Map Types
  • Data Classification for Thematic Mapping
Practice quizzes are not graded and may be submitted more than once.
Go to ANGEL > [your course section] > Lessons tab > Chapter 3 folder > [quiz]
3 Perform "Try this" activities including:
  • Acquiring U.S. Census data
  • Acquiring world demographic data

"Try this" activities are not graded.

Instructions are provided for each activity.
4 Submit the Chapter 3 Graded Quiz ANGEL > [your course section] > Lessons tab > Chapter 3 folder > Chapter 3 Graded Quiz
5  Read comments and questions posted by fellow students. Add comments and questions of your own, if any.  Comments and questions may be posted on any page of the text, or in a Chapter-specific discussion forum in ANGEL.