Food and the Future Environment

Getting to Know You


Getting to Know You

Sometime this week, introduce yourself to your classmates in the Introduce Yourself Discussion in the Orientation Module in Canvas. All other discussions throughout the course will use the same format described below.

For this orientation discussion post, you will provide a 150-250 word (1-2 paragraph) introduction of yourself and what you hope to learn from this class. I would also like for you to pose two questions to your fellow classmates. Once everyone has submitted their introductions, you will then respond to two of your classmates, either by commenting on their introduction or answering one of their questions. Remember to remain respectful and curious and to use netiquette in your introduction and responses.

Your initial post with your introduction and questions is due on Friday at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. You then need to reply to at least 2 classmates by Sunday at 11:59 pm Eastern Time.

Canvas Discussion Directions

Once you have read and engaged with the content on the course website, read or viewed the weekly readings or videos, and completed the other weekly assessments, you are ready to contribute to the Weekly Discussion. For more information and directions on exactly what you should do, refer to the Discussion section of the syllabus on the course website. Your initial post with your reflection and questions are due on Friday at 11:59 pm Eastern. You then need to reply to at least 2 classmates by Sunday at 11:59 pm Eastern.

The post should include three sections.

  • Your reaction:
    In 150-250 words, your reaction is expected to address at least two, and preferably all of the assigned materials. In your reaction, you should first consider the assigned material(s) and assessments on their own terms. Ask yourself: What have I learned about in this module? What does the material assume about coupled human-natural systems? How can I challenge or expand on what I have learned? Then, provide your own brief reaction. Submissions that do not meaningfully engage with the course material(s) will receive a zero. You must read/watch the material(s) before completing this assignment. When responding to your classmates, you may comment on something they said that you found interesting, answer one of the questions they posed, or pose another question. The instructor will be monitoring the board to make sure that discussions stay on topic, and that comments are respectful.
  • Questions:
    Submit 2 questions following your reaction. Your questions should relate the readings/video/assessments to the key terms covered in that week or in previous weeks. This requirement is graded as all or nothing; so, if you do not submit two questions, you will receive no points for this portion of the assignment.
  • Citations:
    You must also include full references for the assigned material. You can copy the references from the course syllabus. You must use APA style. For information on how to do this, visit this online Handbook. This requirement is graded as all or nothing; so, if you do not submit references for materials cited, you will receive no points for this portion of the assignment.
  • Respond to 2 Classmates:
    Once everyone has written their posts, you will then be required to go back into the discussion and converse with at least two of your classmates. Make your posts meaningful. They will be graded.