GEOG 453
GIS Applications in Water Resources

GEOG 453: GIS Applications in Water Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems


GEOG 453: GIS Applications in Water Resources and Aquatic Ecosystems

Instructor: Corina Fernandez, MS
Department of Geography, College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

Course Structure: All course materials and laboratory exercises are entirely online.

Course Overview: This course is designed to expose students to different GIS applications in water resources and aquatic ecosystems. It emphasizes geospatial data acquisition of hydrologic features, spatial analysis and modeling, and data representation. Students will learn through assignments, online course materials, readings, and hands-on computer lab exercises to investigate and solve water resource issues. Practical applications will focus on watershed and drainage network delineation, assessment of aquatic ecosystems, surface runoff potential and creation of continuous surfaces using spatial hydrology models. Although this course will review most subjects, it assumes some basic understanding of hydrologic processes, data models, geodesy, and software knowledge, as covered in previous introductory courses.

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Students who register for this Penn State course gain access to assignments and instructor feedback, and earn academic credit. Information about Penn State's Online Geospatial Education programs is available at the Geospatial Education Program Office.