This course provides an in-depth exploration of the complexities of major infrastructure siting decisions in the electricity market. The course introduces a variety of siting challenges that confront the energy industry and its customers and neighbors but focuses on the siting of electrical transmission lines. The concepts used in siting electrical transmission lines can be used to site other electric infrastructure projects and other public and private infrastructure projects including pipelines, roadways, water resources, major industrial developments, just to name a few. The course also provides hands-on experience with a common decision support technology, ArcGIS, and considers how the technology may be used to facilitate public participation in siting decisions.
NOTE: Registered students will be using Esri ArcGIS Pro (64-bit) included with the ArcGIS 10.xx Desktop and Extensions Education Edition for this course.
About the Instructor
Hi! I’m Ron Santini and I came to teach at Penn State late in my career, after spending 30+ years in the energy industry. My last 20 years I was employed by Duke Energy Corporation as an environmental scientist and managed a team of scientists and technicians responsible for corporate environmental assessments and investigations.
I am a graduate of Penn State and the University of Colorado with graduate degrees in Environmental Pollution Control and GIS.
I’m married to my most patient wife, Mary, who is a microbiologist turned interior designer.
I spend most of my free time as a freelance landscape, wildlife, and sports photographer.
Some interesting facts about me include: I was a volunteer fireman in high school, I played basketball with many of the current NASCAR drivers, and I spent 6 weeks on a NOAA research vessel collecting water samples in the South Atlantic. – but, ah, only two of these are true!!
Oh! and one last thing. I teach Geography 469, Energy Applications of GIS taught during the Spring Semester.
You can read more about Ron on his introduction page.