GEOG 489
Advanced Python Programming for GIS

3.1 Overview and Checklist


This lesson is two weeks in length. We will introduce a few more Python programming concepts and then focus on conducting (spatial) data science projects in Python with the help of Jupyter Notebooks. In the process, you will get to know quite a few more useful Python packages and 3rd-party APIs including pandas, GDAL/OGR, and the Esri ArcGIS for Python API. 

Please refer to the Calendar for specific time frames and due dates. To finish this lesson, you must complete the activities listed below. You may find it useful to print this page first so that you can follow along with the directions.

Steps for Completing Lesson 3
Step Activity Access/Directions
1 Engage with Lesson 3 Content Begin with 3.2 Installing the required packages for this lesson

Programming Assignment and Reflection

Submit your code for the programming assignment and 400 words write-up with reflections 
4 Quiz 3 Complete the Lesson 3 Quiz 
5 Questions/Comments Remember to visit the Lesson 3 Discussion Forum to post/answer any questions or comments pertaining to Lesson 3