As you've completed the walkthroughs, you've hopefully begun to think about ways that you could serve your own term project data as a WMS. You are not required to use a WMS in your term project, but I would like you to get some more practice with it using your own data. If you like the result, you're welcome to use it in your term project submission.
The assignment this week has two parts:
- Write a short review of a public-facing WMS, namely the GEBCO WMS (General Bathymetic Chart of the Oceans; ) with the URL . The accompanying web site for the WMS can be found here: . The review should include the following:
- the organization that published the WMS and the purpose of the WMS;
- the URL for a GetCapabilites request to that WMS;
- the technology (i.e., software) used to provide this WMS;
- a description of what layers are available in the WMS and in which formats (projections, image format, etc.);
- a screenshot of one of the layers opened in QGIS and some comments on the styling used for the layer.
You are allowed to use the accompanying web page and the techniques explained in this lesson to obtain the information needed for your review. Make sure to to use a GetCapabilities request, as some information may only be obtainable from the returned response.
- Using GeoServer and the techniques learned in this lesson, serve some of your term project data as a WMS, using a custom style you've made using the SLD Cookbook or QGIS. This can be a single layer or a group layer, but it should use custom styling that goes beyond the GeoServer default style. To receive the final 1 point for this part of the assignment, it is expected that you manually edit the SLD code to realize one of the more advanced styling options not covered in the lesson that you can find in the cookbook (see rubric). Assemble a word processor document with a report containing the following:
- a description of the layer you served;
- a screenshot of the layer(s) in the GeoServer layer list;
- a description of how you made the style;
- a screenshot of the style page in GeoServer (including as much of the SLD code as possible);
- a screenshot of the WMS displayed in the OpenLayers preview;
Submit these deliverables to the Lesson 4 assignment drop box on Canvas, either as a single document or as two separate documents.