In Canvas, you will find Statistics_RtheEssentials_2019.pdf in the Additional Reading Materials link in Lesson 2. It contains some essential commands to get you going.
This is not a definitive resource – since it would end up as a book in its own right. Instead, it provides a variety of commands that will allow you to load your data, explore, and visualize your data.
Three Considerations As You Write and Debug Code
Coding takes patience but can be very rewarding. To help you work through code, here are three suggestions.
1. If there is something that you would like your code to do but is not covered explicitly in the lesson instructions, or you are not able to figure out an error, then post a question to the discussion forum and either another student or I may know the answer. If you are asking about a solution to an error in your code, please provide a screenshot of the error message and lines around the place in the code where the error is reported to occur. Simply posting that "my program doesn't work" or "I am getting an error message" will not help others help you.
2. If you discover or know some code that is useful or goes beyond that which is covered in the lesson and would be beneficial to others in the class, then please share it. We are all here to learn in a collective environment.
3. Use scripts! (go to file/new script). These allow you to save your code, so you don't have to retype it later. If you enter your code into the console then the computer will "talk to you" and run the commands, but it will not remember anything - AKA you are having a phone call with the computer but speaking the language R. But with a script, you can enter and save your commands and return back to them (or re-run them later) - so to build on the metaphor, this is like sending an e-mail, you have a written record of what you said.