Before going any further, I'd like you to consider the devastating 2019-20 Black Summer Bushfires in Australia. I focus on event because it has prompted a major National Review of disaster and emergency management arrangements. The Royal Commission into Natural Disaster Arrangements [1] released their final report at the end of last year. Royal Commissions are basically a big investigation that relies on submissions from all kinds of stakeholders, from academics, to frontline workers, to citizens. This process results in a series of recommendations that the government considers. While the bushfires prompted this review, the recommendations take a multi-hazard approach. So, how can you manage fires, smoke, heatwaves, floods, cyclones in a more coordinated way.
I'd like you to look at a few sections of this report and also keep it on hand as we go through the course. It has a lot of information relevant to the topics we cover, albeit we are exploring geospatial dimensions in greater depth. First, have a look at some photos and videos from the Bushfire History Project (below) to get a feel for what happened last year.
No Audio - images only
No Audio - images only
No Audio - images only
Now, look at the download the report from this direct link or go to the Commission's website [2].
Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements Report [3]
Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements Appendices [4]
Please read the following sections (don't worry if these seem a bit technical given you just started the course):
I'd like you to consider a few questions (nothing to submit now!):
I hope this has provided a concrete and current picture of the complexity of emergency management. I'll refer you back to the Royal Commission report later in the class.