The links below provide an outline of the material for this lesson. Be sure to carefully read through the entire lesson before returning to Canvas to submit your assignments.
Now that we have explored the underlying workings of the climate system, experimented with actual climate models and validated their predictions, we are in a position to use climate models to make projections of future climate change. Before we can project human-caused climate changes, however, we must consider the various plausible scenarios for future human behavior, and resulting greenhouse gas emissions pathways.
By the end of Lesson 6, you should be able to:
Please refer to the Syllabus for specific time frames and due dates.
The following is an overview of the required activities for Lesson 6. Detailed directions and submission instructions are located within this lesson.
If you have any questions, please post them to our Questions? discussion forum (not e-mail), located under the Home tab in Canvas. The instructor will check that discussion forum daily to respond. Also, please feel free to post your own responses if you can help with any of the posted questions.
Scientists attempt to create scenarios of future human activity that represent plausible future greenhouse emissions pathways. Ideally, these scenarios span the range of possible future emissions pathways, so that they can be used as a basis for exploring a realistic set of future projections of climate change.
In the early IPCC assessments, the most widely used and referred-to family of emissions scenarios were the so-called SRES scenarios (for Special Report on Emissions Scenarios) that helped form the basis for the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. These scenarios made varying assumptions ('storylines') regarding future global population growth, technological development, globalization, and societal values. One (the A1 'one global family' storyline chosen by Michael Mann and Lee Kump in version 1 of Dire Predictions) assumed a future of globalization and rapid economic and technological growth, including fossil fuel intensive (A1FI), non-fossil fuel intensive (A1T), and balanced (A1B) versions. Another (A2, 'a divided world') assumed a greater emphasis on national identities. The B1 and B2 scenarios assumed more sustainable practices ('utopia'), with more global-focus and regional-focus, respectively.
Let us now directly compare the various SRES scenarios both in terms of their annual rates of carbon emissions, measured in gigatons (Gt) of carbon (1Gt = 1012 tons), and the resulting trajectories of atmospheric concentrations. Getting the concentrations actually requires an intermediate step involving the use of a simple model of ocean carbon uptake, to account for the effect of oceanic absorption of atmospheric .
We can see from the above comparison how various trajectories of our future carbon emissions translate to atmospheric concentration trajectories. From the point of view of controlling future concentrations, these graphics can be quite daunting. Depending on the path chosen by society, we could plausibly approach concentrations that are quadruple pre-industrial levels by 2100. Even in the best case of the SRES scenarios, B1, we will likely reach twice pre-industrial levels (i.e., around 550 ppm) by 2100. And to keep concentrations below this level, we can see that we have to bring emissions to a peak by 2040, and ramp them down to less than half current levels by 2100.
You might wonder what scenario do we actually appear to be following? Over the first ten years of these scenarios, observed emissions actually were close to the most carbon intensive of the SRES scenarios—A1FI. This gives you an idea of how challenging the problem of stabilizing carbon emissions at levels lower than twice pre-industrial actually is.
One problem with the SRES scenarios—indeed, a fair criticism of them—is that they do not explicitly incorporate carbon emissions controls. While some of the scenarios involve storylines that embrace generic notions of sustainability and environmental protection, the scenarios do not envision explicit attempts to stabilize concentrations at any particular level. For the Fifth Assessment Report, a new set of scenarios, called Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs), was developed. They are referred to as pathways to emphasize that they are not definitive, but are instead internally consistent time-dependent forcing projections that could potentially be realized with multiple socioeconomic scenarios. In particular, they can take into account climate change mitigation policies to limit emissions. The scenarios are named after the approximate radiative forcing relative to the pre-industrial period achieved either in the year 2100, or at stabilization after 2100. They were created with 'integrated assessment models' that include climate, economic, land use, demographic, and energy-usage effects, whose greenhouse gas concentrations were then converted to an emission's trajectory using carbon cycle models.
The RCP2.6 scenario peaks at 3.0 W / m2 before declining to 2.6 W / m2 in 2100, and requires strong mitigation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the 21st century. The RCP4.5 and RCP6.0 scenarios stabilize after 2100 at 4.2 W / m2 and 6.0 W / m2, respectively. The RCP4.5 and SRES B1 scenarios are comparable; RCP6.0 lies between the SRES B1 and A1B scenarios. The RCP8.5 scenario is the closest to a ‘business as usual’ scenario of fossil fuel use, and has comparable forcing to SRES A2 by 2100.
In all RCPs global population levels off or starts to decline by 2100, with a peak value of 12 billion in RCP8.5. Gross domestic product (GDP) increases in all cases; of note, the RCP2.6 pathway has the highest GDP, though it has the least dependence on fossil fuel sources. Carbon dioxide emissions for all RCPs except the RCP8.5 scenario peak by 2100.
Even the RCPs have encountered a fair bit of criticism. For the recently released Sixth IPCC Assessment Report, scientists and modelers are using Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs), which link specific policy decisions with projected emissions outcomes. The readings this week include a Commentary from the journal Nature about the issue of RCPs and the path forward with SSPs.
With all of these scenarios, stabilizing CO2 concentrations requires not just preventing the increase of emissions, but reducing emissions. This leads naturally to our next topic—the topic of stabilization scenarios.
Before we proceed, it is useful to cover a few more important details. You may recall from an earlier lesson that the radiative forcing due to a given increase in atmospheric concentration, , can be approximated as:
where is the initial concentration and is the final concentration. This gives a forcing for doubling of from pre-industrial values (i.e., = 280 ppm and = 560 ppm) of just under . Given the typical estimate of climate sensitivity we discussed during the past two lessons, we know that this forcing translates to about 3°C warming. That means, we get about 0.75°C warming for each of radiative forcing.
Thus far, has increased from pre-industrial levels of 280 ppm to current levels of around 410 ppm. Based on the relationships above, what radiative forcing and global mean temperature increase would you expect in response to our behavior so far?
Click for answer.
Using the formula above, we get a radiative forcing of ΔF = 2.04 W/m2.
Given that we get roughly 0.75°C warming for each W/m2 forcing, this gives slightly more than 1.5°C warming.
If you successfully answered the question above, you know that the increases so far should have given rise to 1.5°C warming of the globe. Yet we have only seen about 1.0°C warming. Are the theoretical formulas wrong? Did we make a mistake? Actually, it is neither. First of all, we know that it takes decades for the climate system to equilibrate to a rise in atmospheric , so we have not yet realized the expected equilibrium warming indicated by the equilibrium climate sensitivity. Models indicate that there is as much as another 0.5°C of warming still in the pipeline, due to the increases that have taken place already. That alone would almost explain the 0.7°C discrepancy between the warming we expect, and the lesser warming we've observed.
However, we have forgotten two other things that—as it happens—roughly cancel out! First of all, is not the only greenhouse gas whose concentrations we have been increasing through industrial and other human activities. There are other greenhouse gases—methane, nitrous oxide, and others—whose concentrations we have increased, and whose concentrations are projected to continue to rise in the various SRES and RCP scenarios we have examined.
We need to account for the effect of all of these other greenhouse gases. We can do this using the concept of equivalent (_eq). _eq is the concentration of that would be equivalent, in terms of the total radiative forcing, to a combination of all the other greenhouse gases. If we take into account the rises in methane and other anthropogenic greenhouse gases, then the net radiative forcing is equivalent to having increased to a substantially higher, roughly 485 ppm! In other words, the current value of _eq is 485 ppm. This fact has caused quite a bit of confusion, leading some commentators (see this RealClimate article) to incorrectly sound the alarm that it is already too late to stabilize concentrations at 450 ppm and, hence, to avoid breaching the targets that have been set by some as constituting dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate (see this article by Michael Mann for a discussion of these considerations).
Nonetheless, if _eq has reached 485ppm, does that mean that we are committed to the net warming that can be expected from a concentration of 485 ppm ? Well, yes and no. The other thing we have left out is that greenhouse gases are not the only significant anthropogenic impact on the climate. We know that the production of sulfate and other aerosols has played an important role, cooling substantial regions of the Northern Hemisphere continents, in particular, during the past century. The best estimate of the impact of this anthropogenic forcing, while quite uncertain, is roughly -0.8 of forcing, which is equivalent—in this context—to the contribution of negative 60 ppm of . If we add -60 ppm to 485 ppm we get 425 ppm—which is closer to the current actual concentration of 408 ppm. So, in other words, if we take into account not only the effect of all other greenhouse gases, but also the offsetting cooling effect of anthropogenic aerosols, we end up roughly where we started off, considering only the effect of increasing atmospheric concentration through fossil fuel burning.
It is, therefore, a useful simplification to simply look at atmospheric alone as a proxy for the total anthropogenic forcing of the climate, but there are some important caveats to keep in mind:
That means that there is a far greater future climate change commitment embodied in a scenario of pure emissions than the same equivalent emissions consisting largely of methane. This has implications for the abatement strategies we will discuss later in the course.
These limitations notwithstanding, let us now consider the impact of various pure scenarios. Let us focus specifically on scenarios that will stabilize atmospheric at some particular level, i.e., so-called stabilization scenarios. Invariably, these scenarios involve bringing annual emissions to a peak at some point during the 21st century, and decreasing them subsequently. Obviously, the higher we allow the concentrations to increase and the later the peak, the higher the ultimate concentration is going to be. The various possible such scenarios are shown below in increments of 50 ppm. If we are to stabilize concentrations at 550 ppm, we can see that emissions should be brought to a peak of no more than 8.7 gigatons of carbon per year, by around 2050, and reduced below 1990 levels (i.e., 6 gigatons of carbon per year) by 2100. For comparison, as we saw earlier that current emissions are at roughly 8.5 gigatons per year and rising at the rate of the carbon-intensive A1FI SRES emissions scenario, so we are already "behind the curve" so to speak, even for 550 ppm stabilization.
For 450 ppm stabilization, the challenge is far greater. According to the figure below, we would have had to bring emissions to a peak before 2010 at roughly 7.5 gigatons per year, and lower them to roughly 4 gigatons per year (i.e., 33% below 1990 levels) by 2050. Obviously, that train has already left the station. Alternatively, the RCP2.6 pathway is an example of a 450 ppm stabilization scenario consistent with where we are now, that involves bringing emissions to a peak within the next decade below 10 gigatons per year, and reducing them far more dramatically, to near zero 80% by 2100 through various mitigation policies. With every year, we continue with business-as-usual carbon emissions, achieving a 450 ppm stabilization target becomes that much more difficult, and involves far greater reduction of emissions in future decades. It is for this reason that the problem of greenhouse gas stabilization has been referred to by some scientists as a problem with a very large procrastination penalty.
We can actually play around with greenhouse gas emissions scenarios ourselves. To do so, we will take advantage of something known as the Kaya Identity. Technically, the identity is just a definition, relating the quantity of annual carbon emissions to a factor of terms that reflect (1) population, (2) relative (i.e., per capita) economic production, measured by annual GDP in dollars/person, (3) energy intensity, measured in terawatts of energy consumed per dollar added to GDP, and (4) carbon efficiency, measured in gigatons of carbon emitted per terawatt of energy used. Multiply these out, and you get gigatons of carbon emitted. If the other quantities are expressed as a percentage change per year, then the carbon emissions, too, are expressed as a percentage change per year, which, in turn, defines a future trajectory of carbon emissions and concentrations.
Mathematically, the Kaya identity is expressed in the form:
By projecting the future changes in population (P), economic production , energy intensity , and carbon efficiency , it is possible to make an informed projection of future carbon emissions . Obviously, population is important as, in the absence of anything else, more people means more energy use. Moreover, economic production measured by GDP per capita plays an important role, as a bigger economy means greater use of energy. The energy intensity term is where technology comes in. As we develop new energy technologies or improve the efficiency of existing energy technology, we expect that it will take less energy to increase our GDP by and additional dollar, i.e., we should see a decline in energy intensity. Last, but certainly not least, is the carbon efficiency. As we develop and increasingly switch over to renewable energy sources and non-fossil fuel-based energy alternatives and improve the carbon efficiency of existing fossil fuel sources (e.g., by finding a way to extract and sequester ), we can expect a decline in this quantity as well, i.e., less carbon emitted per unit of energy production.
Fortunately, we do not have to start from scratch. There is a convenient online calculator (Kaya Identity Scenario Prognosticator), provided courtesy of David Archer of the University of Chicago (and a RealClimate blogger ). Below, a brief demonstration of how the tool can be used. After you watch the demonstration, use the link provided above to play around with the calculator yourself.
The online calculator (Kaya Identity Scenario Prognosticator) has been updated and does not look exactly like the Kaya tool shown in the following videos. The format of the new tool is slightly different from the videos below, but all of the functionality is still available, you will have to use the pull down menus to select which chart you want to view, and you are limited to viewing just two graphs at a time. You will also have to enter the initial values referred to in the video. The initial values are: Population Plateau=11 billion, GDP/Person=1.6, Watts/$=-1.0, and Carbon Released/Watt=-0.3.
An increasingly widespread approach to characterizing greenhouse gas emissions reductions is the so-called Wedges concept introduced by Princeton researchers a few years ago. The concept is relatively straightforward. First, one defines the current path of business-as-usual emissions. We can think of that ramp-like path as defining a stabilization triangle, as shown below.
Based on the past one to two decades, the business-as-usual pathway corresponds to an increase of about 1.5 gigatons per decade—which, if we extrapolate linearly, amounts to about 7 gigatons of carbon emissions over the next 50 years. The stabilization triangle can thus be split into 7 "wedges" that each represent 1 gigaton of carbon over the next 50 years. The first step to stabilizing greenhouse gas concentrations is to freeze annual emissions so that they do not rise any further. To accomplish this, we would need to replace 7 gigaton wedges of projected greenhouse gas emissions that would be required to meet the forecasted business-as-usual global energy requirements over the next 50 years. The individual wedges could be derived from greater energy efficiency, decreased reliance on fossil fuels, new technologies aimed at sequestration of , etc.
Of course, as we have seen from our discussion of stabilization scenarios, simply freezing greenhouse emissions at current levels is not adequate to stabilize concentrations. The emissions must be decreased, eventually to zero, or at least close enough to zero so that they are balanced by the natural rates of uptake of carbon from the ocean and biosphere. So, the wedge approach must be supplemented by an actual decrease in emission rates. In one idealization of the approach, the wedges are used to freeze greenhouse annual emissions for 50 years, after which technological innovations that have been developed over the intervening half century presumably make the problem of fully phasing out fossil fuel-based energy more tractable, and emissions can be reduced over the subsequent 50 years as necessary to avoid breaching, e.g., twice pre-industrial levels. Alternatively, more additional wedges, beyond the original 7, can be used, to not only freeze annual emissions at current levels during the next 50 years, but instead, bring them down.
The wedge concept can be generalized beyond the global stabilization problem. For example, the U.S. EPA has introduced wedge-based plan for reducing emissions in the U.S. transportation sector as a means of mitigating this important current contribution to U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
The Wedge Concept is an increasingly popular way to go about achieving the required greenhouse gas emissions in the decades ahead, by thinking about each of the individual mitigation approaches that might buy us a wedge, or some fraction of a wedge, of reductions. It is a way to think about how to take a seemingly intractable problem and break it up into many smaller, potentially tractable problems which collectively can help civilization achieve the daunting emissions reductions necessary for avoiding potentially dangerous climate change.
Climate Change mitigation is an example of the need for decision-making in the face of uncertainty. We must take steps today to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations if we are to prevent future warming of the globe, despite the fact that we do not know precisely how much warming to expect. Furthermore, it is a problem of risk management. We do not know precisely what potential impacts loom in our future, and where the threshold for dangerous anthropogenic impacts on the climate lies. Just like in nearly all walks of life, we must make choices in the face of uncertainty, and we must decide precisely how risk averse we are. Most homeowners have fire insurance, yet they don't expect their homes to burn down. They simply want to hedge against the catastrophe if it does happen. We can, in an analogous manner, think of climate change mitigation as hedging against dangerous potential impacts down the road. This project aims to integrate a number of themes we have already explored—energy balance and climate modeling, and our current lesson on carbon emissions scenarios—to quantify how to go about answering critical questions like, "How do we go about setting emissions limits that will allow us to hedge against the possibility of dangerous anthropogenic impacts (DAI) on our climate?"
For this assignment, you will need to record your work on a word processing document. Your work must be submitted in Word (.doc or .docx), or PDF (.pdf) format, so the instructor can open it.
For this project, you will design your own fossil fuel emissions scenario that would limit future warming by the year 2100 to 2.0°C relative to the pre-industrial level.
The instructor will use the general grading rubric for problem sets to grade this project.
Please participate in an online discussion of the material presented in Lesson 6: Carbon Emission Scenarios.
This discussion will take place in a threaded discussion forum in Canvas (see the Canvas Guides for the specific information on how to use this tool) over approximately a week-long period of time. Since the class participants will be posting to the discussion forum at various points in time during the week, you will need to check the forum frequently in order to fully participate. You can also subscribe to the discussion and receive e-mail alerts each time there is a new post.
Please realize that a discussion is a group effort, and make sure to participate early in order to give your classmates enough time to respond to your posts.
Post your comments addressing some aspect of the material that is of interest to you and respond to other postings by asking for clarification, asking a follow-up question, expanding on what has already been said, etc. For each new topic you are posting, please try to start a new discussion thread with a descriptive title, in order to make the conversation easier to follow.
You will be graded on the quality of your participation. See the online discussion grading rubric for the specifics on how this assignment will be graded. Please note that you will not receive a passing grade on this assignment if you wait until the last day of the discussion to make your first post.
In this lesson, we looked at the science underlying greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. We learned that:
You have finished Lesson 6. Double-check the list of requirements on the first page of this lesson to make sure you have completed all of the activities listed there before beginning the next lesson.