The links below provide an outline of the material for this lesson. Be sure to carefully read through the entire lesson before returning to Canvas to submit your assignments.
It is reasonable to conclude, from our previous examination of projected climate change impacts, that some sort of coordinated response is warranted. One potential response involves adaptation — changing our behavior in such a way as to mitigate the impacts of climate change on our lives and livelihood. In fact, given that there is likely substantial additional climate change already in the pipeline, and we are committed to some degree of additional changes in climate regardless of what measures are taken to curtail greenhouse gas emissions, we will have to adapt to some changes that are in store. In this lesson, we will examine what the key vulnerabilities are, and what adaptive measures might be taken to guard against them.
By the end of Lesson 10, you should be able to:
Please refer to the Syllabus for specific time frames and due dates.
The following is an overview of the required activities for Lesson 10. Detailed directions and submission instructions are located within this lesson.
If you have any questions, please post them to our Questions? discussion forum (not e-mail), located under the Home tab in Canvas. The instructor will check that discussion forum daily to respond. Also, please feel free to post your own responses if you can help with any of the posted questions.
The challenge of confronting the impacts of climate change is often framed in terms of two potential paths that civilization might take: adaptation and mitigation. Mitigation involves reducing the magnitude of climate change itself and, as we will see in the final two lessons, can be subdivided into two alternative strategies: emissions reductions — dealing with the problem at its very source, and geoengineering — somehow offsetting the effects of greenhouse gas emissions.
Adaptation, by contrast, involves efforts to limit our vulnerability to climate change impacts through various measures, while not necessarily dealing with the underlying cause of those impacts. The reference to "our" in the previous sentence is critical, as adaptive measures typically only deal with impacts to human civilization; they do not and, indeed, cannot deal with impacts to ecosystems and our environment. Coral reefs, for example, are unlikely to adapt to the twin impacts of global warming and ocean acidification. A similar case can be made for other ecosystems and living things. At some level, such considerations call into question what we really mean by adaptation. If we were to see the collapse of major ecosystems such as coral reefs, we would in turn see the loss of the ecosystem services they provide — a potentially catastrophic loss for human civilization. We will consider such potential costs when we attempt to work out the economics of climate change in a later lesson.
Such considerations call into question whether we can indeed define our true adaptive capacity to climate change in a way that is divorced from the larger impacts on our environment. Nonetheless, let us for the moment consider adaptation and mitigation as two alternative but potentially complementary and certainly not mutually exclusive strategies for dealing with climate change.
The choice between adaptation and mitigation is in fact, in many ways, a false choice — we will most likely have to do both. As we have seen previously in this course, we are already committed to additional warming of perhaps as much as 1°C due to the greenhouse gases that we have emitted already — this is known as committed climate change. Aside from the possibility of controversial geoengineering measures (which we will discuss in our next lesson), we cannot mitigate that change. So, we must adapt to at least that amount of climate change.
A useful way to look at the level of vulnerability to climate change is considering scenarios that involve no response measures at all (i.e., no adaptation or mitigation), adaptation alone, mitigation alone, and a combination of adaptation and mitigation.
As is apparent from the above comparisons, much of the world would likely suffer extreme vulnerability to climate change in the absence of any mitigation efforts at all, regardless of what adaptive measures are taken. Yet, mitigation alone, for example limiting CO2 concentrations to 550 ppm, would in the absence of any adaptive measures still result in great vulnerability, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. However, a combination of adaptation and mitigation could reduce vulnerability to modest levels for most of the world.
We will talk about mitigation approaches in the final two lessons. For the rest of this lesson, we will examine adaptive strategies. We will focus on specific examples in the areas of coastal protection, water resources, and agriculture/food resources.
There are various potential measures we might consider taking in defending our coastlines against the threat of sea level rise. We might think of them as sequential steps that can be taken as rising sea level continues to encroach on coastal settlements. We are likely already committed to at least 0.3 m (i.e., roughly 1 foot) of global sea level rise, enough, as we've seen previously, to threaten increased coastal erosion along the east and gulf coast of the U.S., and to submerge low-lying island regions.
The first step is to actively confront encroaching seas by building structures such as polders, which reclaim inundated coastal regions, and coastal defenses such as dikes, beach nourishments, etc., which provide an impediment to rising waters. The United States Navy is considering walls to protect assets at the Washington Naval Yard and the U.S. Naval Academy.
When that is no longer adequate, one might move on to the next step — accommodating some degree of inundation. That might include building flood-proof structures, and floating platforms for agriculture, etc. The final step is retreat. It can involve managed retreating, such as the building of sea walls, and planned evacuation when no other options are available. The island nation of Tuvalu, threatened with imminent impacts from sea level rise, for example, has already arranged for retreat to New Zealand when necessary.
Let us perform a thought experiment. Recall the projected sea level rise for the next two centuries (see figure below). Let us consider the gray region to represent the region of 95% confidence. Suppose you are an owner of a coastal property in a location where sea level rise is predicted to follow the projected global mean rise. Suppose that at 0.3 m sea level rise you can expect significant erosion of your beachfront, at 0.5 m of sea level rise you can expect regular flooding of your property from coastal storms, and at 1 m of sea level rise you can expect the front stairs to your house to be below sea level.
Come up with an answer to this question:
What actions would you take, and when would you plan to take them?Click to reveal an answer.
We saw in our previous lesson on climate change impacts, that anthropogenic climate change could profoundly influence freshwater availability around the world.
What, if any, measures could we take to adapt to these changes? Possible adaptations can, in fact, be found on both the supply side and the demand side.
Let us first consider some supply-side options. Freshwater could, for example, be transported from regions that are likely to see more precipitation to those likely to see less. The required transport (which costs both money and energy!) could be minimized by exploiting the fact that in many cases such regions are reasonably near to each other, e.g., tropical Africa (more runoff) vs. South Africa (less runoff), or the Pacific Northwest (more runoff) vs. desert southwest (less runoff) of U.S., or Northern Europe (more runoff) vs. Southern Europe and Mediterranean (less runoff). Other possibilities involve greater exploitation of groundwater sources, though this faces the challenge of over-tapped aquifers, which is already a problem in the U.S. Desalinization makes sense, particularly for coastal regions of the U.S., Australia, and the Mediterranean which are predicted to dry, and where a nearby saltwater source would help minimize transportation costs. Desalinization is currently highly expensive and extremely energy intensive, making it a prohibitive source of freshwater today. However, as water resources diminish and technology improves, it is possible that desalinization will become a more viable option in the future. See table below for other possible supply-side solutions.
What about the demand side? More efficient recycling of water and better conservation of water resources is an obvious approach. Both constitute what is often referred to as no regrets approaches — a concept we will encounter later in the context of climate change mitigation. Such actions not only cost us nothing, but they could, in fact, provide benefits, e.g., lower household water bills! Similarly, more efficient means of irrigation of crops could save water and provide other benefits as well.
Another possibility is the idea of tradable water access rights. This too has an analogy with climate change mitigation, since one approach that has been suggested for reducing carbon emissions is to allow individual companies limited numbers of permits for emitting and then letting them trade and sell them. The same thing could be done for rights to water resources. The idea behind this is that the efficiencies of the free market will, at least in principle, find the most cost-effective means of meeting water resource needs, since those with excess fresh water would be motivated to sell their valuable water rights to others willing to pay a premium for them.
Supply Side | Demand Side |
Prospecting and extraction of water | Improvement of water-use efficiency by recycling groundwater |
Increase of storage capacity by building reservoirs and dams | Reduction in water demand for irrigation by changing the cropping calendar, crop mix, irrigation method, and area planted |
Desalination of seawater (via reverse osmosis systems) | Reduction in water demand for irrigation by importing products |
Expansion of rainwater storage | Adoption of indigenous practices for sustainable water use (drawing upon local cultural knowledge in establishing efficient practices) |
Removal of invasive, non-native vegetation from river margins | Expanded use of water markets to reallocate water to highly valued areas |
Transport of water to regions where needed | Expanded use of economic incentives, including metering, and pricing to encourage water conservation |
We examined likely impacts on agricultural productivity (and livestock) in our previous discussion of climate change impacts. While on balance these impacts are projected to be negative (particularly in the tropics), there are adaptive measures that can be taken to mitigate the losses in agricultural productivity.
Possible agricultural adaptations include changing crop locations; for example, seeking out higher elevation environments and cooler microclimates. Adaptations also include changing crop rotation patterns and tilling methods; for example, so-called no-till agriculture keeps sub-surface soils cooler and wetter, which might mitigate the effects of warmer and dryer conditions. One can switch to crop varieties (or cultivars) that are better adapted to the changing weather patterns and climate, or amend planting schedules to adapt to shifting seasonal temperature and rainfall patterns. And perhaps as the final line of retreat in the adaptation process, one can change the choice of crops grown, for example, replacing wheat with sorghum as conditions become increasingly arid.
Let us consider the potential mitigation of losses (or maybe even gains) that might come from employing these agricultural adaptations. Let us make the simplifying, if perhaps overly optimistic, assumption of optimal adaptation. That is to say, let us assume that stakeholders operate with perfect information and take the most favorable possible adaptive measures in response to changing climate conditions. Under that assumption, things do not appear too bad, at least for moderate future warming.
Let us consider the predictions for varying levels of future warming and associated CO2 increase (note that there is a direct impact of CO2 fertilization in addition to the indirect climate change impacts from increasing CO2). For 1-2°C warming, we can expect to see increased yields across crops in the extra-tropics, due, in large part, to longer growing seasons, and, with appropriate adaptations, the agricultural productivity could be enhanced even more, approaching 10% for rice and corn and 20% for wheat. For that same amount of warming in the tropics, however, cereal crop productivity either remains the same (rice) or declines (wheat and corn). However, appropriate adaptations can change the picture, turning declines into modest gains. On the global scale for the modest 1-2°C warming, agricultural productivity increases, largely due to the gains in the extra-tropics. However, even at this moderate level of warming, we begin to see the challenges of the regional asymmetry in agricultural productivity responses — the gains are primarily in the regions that are already able to meet food requirements (i.e., the developed world of the extra-tropics), and not in the regions faced by shortfalls owing to their lesser wealth and growing population (i.e., the developing world of the tropics). As warming increases beyond 3°C, this disparity becomes even greater, as low-latitude regions are likely to see agricultural productivity declines regardless of what adaptive measures are taken. For warming beyond 3°C, global agricultural yields decline even with adaptation, and global food prices show substantial increases. As warming approaches 5°C, losses are seen in the extra-tropics as well as in the tropical regions, regardless of the adaptive measures, and global agricultural productivity losses and food price increases become substantial.
Temperature Change | Sub-sector | Region | Finding | Alleviation after adaptation |
+1.0 to 2.0 Degrees Celcius | Prices | Global | Agricultural prices: -10 percent to -30 percent | |
+1.0 to 2.0 Degrees Celcius | Pastures and livestock | Semi-arid | No increase in productivity of plant growth; seasonal increased frequency of livestock heat stress | |
+1.0 to 2.0 Degrees Celcius | Food crops | Low latitudes | Without adaptation, wheat, and maize yields reduced below current levels; rice yield is unchanged | Adaptation of maize, wheat, and rice maintains yields at current levels |
+1.0 to 2.0 Degrees Celcius | Pastures and livestock | Temperate | Livestock grazing less likely to be limited by length of growing seasons; seasonal increased frequency of livestock heat stress | |
+1.0 to 2.0 Degrees Celcius | Food crops | Mid to high latitudes | Crop growth less likely to be limited by length of growing seasons as well as no overall change in rice yield; regional variation is high | Adaptation of maize and wheat increases yield by 10 to 15 percent |
+2.0 to 3.0 Degrees Celcius | Food crops | Low latitudes | Adaptation maintains yields of all crops above current levels; yields drop below current levels for all crops without adaptation | |
+2.0 to 3.0 Degrees Celcius | Pastures and livestock | Semi-arid | Increased frequency of livestock heat stress | |
+2.0 to 3.0 Degrees Celcius | Pastures and livestock | Temperate | Moderate production loss in swine and cattle | |
+2.0 to 3.0 Degrees Celcius | Fisheries | Temperate | Positive effect on trout in winter, negative in summer | |
+2.0 to 3.0 Degrees Celcius | Food crops | Mid to high latitude | Adaptation increases all crop yields above current levels | |
+2.0 to 3.0 Degrees Celcius | Prices | Global | Agricultural prices: -10 percent to + 20 percent | |
+2.0 to 3.0 Degrees Celcius | Food crops | Global | 550 ppm CO |
+ 3.0 to 5.0 Degrees Celcius | Pastures and livestock | Semi-arid | Reduction in animal weight and pasture growth; increased frequency of livestock heat stress and mortality | |
+ 3.0 to 5.0 Degrees Celcius | Food Crops | Low latitudes | Maize and wheat yields reduced, regardless of adaptation; adaptation maintains rice yield at current levels | |
+ 3.0 to 5.0 Degrees Celcius | Pastures and livestock | Low latitudes | Strong production loss in swine and confined cattle | |
+ 3.0 to 5.0 Degrees Celcius | Prices and trade | Global | Reversal of downward trend in wood prices, Agricultural prices are up 10 to 40 percent, and Cereal imports of developing countries are up 10 to 40 percent. |
Now, you will investigate these relationships in detail yourself, interactively, using a more elaborate version of the agriculture application you encountered in our previous lesson. The application now indicates changes in yields of major cereal crops (wheat, rice, and corn) both with and without adaptive measures. Please take some time to explore the agricultural application below. You will be using this tool in Project 2, which begins this week.
In this lesson, we looked at the potential impacts of projected climate change on civilization and our environment. The key points are as follows.
You have finished Lesson 10. Double-check the list of requirements on the first page of this lesson to make sure you have completed all of the activities listed there before beginning the next lesson.
Please participate in an online discussion of the material presented in Lesson 9: Climate Change Impacts; Lesson 10: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change; and the movie "Before the Flood".
This discussion will take place in a threaded discussion forum in Canvas (see the Canvas Guides for the specific information on how to use this tool) over approximately a week-long period of time. Since the class participants will be posting to the discussion forum at various points in time during the week, you will need to check the forum frequently in order to fully participate. You can also subscribe to the discussion and receive e-mail alerts each time there is a new post.
Please realize that a discussion is a group effort, and make sure to participate early in order to give your classmates enough time to respond to your posts.
Post your comments addressing some aspect of the material that is of interest to you and respond to other postings by asking for clarification, asking a follow-up question, expanding on what has already been said, etc. For each new topic you are posting, please try to start a new discussion thread with a descriptive title, in order to make the conversation easier to follow.
The purpose of the discussion is to facilitate a free exchange of thoughts and opinions among the students, and you are encouraged to discuss any topic within the general discussion theme that is of interest to you. If you find it helpful, you may also use the topics suggested below.
"Before the Flood"
Lesson 9: Climate Change Impacts
Lesson 10: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change
You will be graded on the quality of your participation. See the online discussion grading rubric for the specifics on how this assignment will be graded. Please note that you will not receive a passing grade on this assignment if you wait until the last day of the discussion to make your first post.
We have seen over the past two lessons that agriculture is one key area of societal vulnerability to future climate change, but the challenges are complicated to confront. The effects are likely to be differentially felt in various parts of the globe, with the tropical regions more likely suffering losses, and extra-tropical regions seeing gains, at least for moderate levels of warming and atmospheric CO2 enrichment. Adaptive measures can ameliorate losses and potentially even turn losses into gains. Thus, any solution will likely require some degree of mitigation and some degree of adaptation. Moreover, the regionally-disaggregated nature of impacts will require policies that allow for an equitable redistribution of food resources from regions that are likely to see gains to regions that are likely to see losses.
In this project, you will propose your own policy solution to deal with agricultural vulnerability to future climate change. You will make use of quantitative tools that we have introduced in this course to address climate change mitigation, assess agricultural impacts, and modify those impacts through adaptation.
For this assignment, you will need to record your work on a word processing document. Your work must be submitted in Word (.doc or .docx), or PDF (.pdf) format, so the instructor can open it.
In this project, you are in charge of drafting an international protocol for maintaining global food security in the face of projected climate change over the next century, through a combination of (1) climate change mitigation, (2) agricultural adaptation, (3) policies for redistributing food resources to where they are needed, and crop substitution.
You will find it useful to employ two applications we have used in this course thus far:
As you proceed to design your policy, please use the following assumptions and rules:
Presenting your work
Please present your work as a formal report, divided into the following sections:
If needed, you may also include an Appendix to show any extended calculations. Try to keep your report reasonably short (3 pages is a good length).
Submitting your work
The instructor will use the general grading rubric for problem sets to grade this project. (Downloadable PDF)