Welcome to PNG 301: Introduction to Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering!
Quick Facts:
Instructor: Dr. Greg King Professor of Practice, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering
Course Structure: Online, 8-10 hours a week for 15 weeks
Overview: PNG 301 covers the basics of petroleum and natural gas engineering, including terminology, equipment illustrations, and basic calculations related to all types of engineers who work in the petroleum industry. The intention is that students will learn about the oil industry and to give them a good idea of how each type of discipline in petroleum engineering relates to each other. Another goal is to give students basic information in preparation for potential summer internships.

This website provides the primary instructional materials for the course. The Resources menu links to important supporting materials, while the Lessons menu links to the course lessons. Canvas, Penn State's course management system, is used to support the delivery of this course as well as provide the primary communications, calendaring, and submission tools for the course.
Students who register for this Penn State course gain access to assignments and instructor feedback, and earn academic credit.
Registered students - if this is your first visit to this course website, please take some time to become familiar with the course environment by logging into Canvas and reading through the Orientation material.