If we multiply the vdW EOS (expression 7.11a in Module 7) by ˜v2 and expand the factorized product by applying the distributive law, the result is the vdW EOS expressed in terms of molar volume, as follows:
˜v3−(b+RTP)˜v2+(aP)˜v−abP=0 (9.1)
Note that equation (9.1) is a third order polynomial in ˜v i.e., it is cubic in molar volume. Additionally, we can substitute the definition of compressibility factor Z,
Z=P˜vRT (9.2)
into equation (9.1) and obtain a different cubic polynomial in Z, as shown:
Z3−(1+bPRT)Z2+(aPR2T2)Z−abP2(RT)3=0 (9.3)
As we see, vdW EOS is referred to as cubic because it is a polynomial of order 3 in molar volume (and hence in compressibility factor Z). In general, any equation of state that is cubic in volume (and Z) and explicit in pressure (equation 7.11b) is regarded as a cubic equation of state. vdW EOS is a cubic EOS, and all the transformations and modifications that it has undergone during the more than one hundred years since its publication are also cubic EOS; or better, they are in-the-van-der-Waals-spirit EOS or of-the-van-der-Waals-family EOS.