Welcome to AERSP 583 Wind Turbine Aerodynamics!
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Quick Facts about AERSP 583:
Susan W. Stewart, Ph.D., Teaching Professor of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, Penn State University.
Sven Schmitz, Ph.D., Professor of Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering, Penn State University.
This course focuses on the analysis and computational modeling of the aerodynamics of wind turbines and includes a blend of aerodynamic theory and computational methods used for the design of state-of-the-art wind turbines. Students will learn how to utilize design and analysis software used by industry. The main objective of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills in aerodynamics required for a detailed understanding of the turbine design issues that impact siting and project development. Emphasis will be placed on the different levels of abstraction and sophistication in aerodynamic models for wind turbines as well as the critical evaluation of each model’s predictive capabilities. This course further provides students with the basics of wind turbine noise generation and state-of-the-art strategies for noise reduction and builds on basic fluid mechanics, structural mechanics, and systems engineering to provide students with an aerodynamic perspective of a wind turbine including an in-depth understanding of the factors that influence optimal performance.
This course is designed to foster an understanding of Energy and Sustainability Science through the detailed aerodynamic and aeroacoustic analysis of wind turbine systems. It also addresses aspects of Energy and Sustainability Project Development by introducing the linkages between site specific wind resources and turbine design for optimum economics. Finally, it promotes Advanced Critical Thinking through education in the application and limitations of industry design and analysis tools.