Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe

Additional Resources


There are several resources related to Cosmology that you may find helpful:

  1. The NASA WMAP mission provides a website that they call "Universe 101," which is an excellent set of materials that elaborate more deeply on many of the topics from this lesson in more detail than I was able to do.
  2. As always, you can also refer to for an additional set of reference material.  Their cosmology chapter includes more sections than our lesson.
  3. Penn State Professor Niel Brandt has taught in past summers a week long workshop on Cosmology for science teachers, and he makes available all of his notes and overheads.
  4. WMAP also has an online activity for classroom use called "Measuring Accuracy."
  5. Another publication with cosmology background and related activities is the "Teacher's Guide to the Universe."
  6. At Crash Course Astronomy, Phil Plait has episodes on Dark Matter, the Big Bang, Dark Energy, A Brief History of the Universe, and Deep Time