BA 850
Sustainability Driven Innovation

Text Version of the LA1 - Total workforce by employment type, employee contract and region, broken down by gender image

LA1 - Total Workforce by Employment Type, Employee Contract and Region, Broken Down by Gender
Emploment type/Gender Africa Asia Brazil Europe Latin America North America and Trinidad All Regions
Permanent employees - female 50 132 365 1,102 104 84 1,837
Permanent employees - male 263 360 2,140 4,346 341 472 7,922
Total - Permanent employees 313 492 2,505 5,448 445 556 9,759
Non-permanent contracts female 4 13 154 346 8 30 555
Non-permanent contracts male 11 20 606 1,244 42 95 2,018
Non-permanent contracts - gender not given 1 5 0 42 0 0 48
Total non-permanent contracts 16 38 760 1,632 50 125 2,621
Total workforce 329 530 3,265 7,080 495 681 12,380