BA 850
Sustainability Driven Innovation

Text Version of the Nike Audit Chart

Nike-contracted factory audits
Month/Year Rating Type of Visit Details
January 2005 C Compliance Visit Compliance visit reveals spike in overtime.
January 2005 B-/C+ ESH Factory undergoes audit.
March 2005 B Compliance Visit Management audit follow up - improvement on minor issues.
January 2006 B ESH Audit reveals factory wage structure not fully compliant with law.
June 2006 B Compliance Visit Compliance visit focuses on wage issue. Factory has revised systems, workers provide positive feedback.
August 2006 D Compliance Visit Compliance visit reveals critical wage, working hour, and social security issues. Factory rated D.
Sept/Dec 2006 C Compliance Visit Compliance conducts follow up visit and audit. Factory has resolved wage issues.
May 2007 D ESH Audit reveals numerous environmental, safety, and health issues.
December 2007 C Labor Audit finds critical issues on hours worked, payment, and training wages.
April 2008 C Labor Audit reveals all critical issues resolved. Factory rated C.

Note: One Nike-contracted factory monitored over three years had 18 different monitoring visits. While the factory responded to identified incidents, it failed to make sustained improvements.