Innovations in solar energy, specifically photovoltaics, have seen significant progress in efficiency and installation area over the past decade. The further production of photovoltaics is a necessary component for any sustainable energy portfolio. Industrial choices of raw materials, their use, flows, and wastes are central to many aspects of industrial ecology. In the case of solar materials, there are significant broader impacts questions around strategic mineral availability, mining impacts, toxicity in manufacturing, and material lifespan and end of use. The determination of system boundaries for material life cycle analysis require significant considerations of issues such as selection of cognitive values when choosing sustainability indicators, classification of boundaries (closure of sets), and framework assumptions about how materials are consumed and circulated.
Lesson Objectives
- Comprehend the scope of the science behind PV systems.
- Describe and Classify various parts of life-cycle assessments.
- Differentiate between and ethical reasons for Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) compared to Life-Cycle Cost Assessments (LCCA).
- Recognize where in the LCA process ethical considerations can be included, such as in choosing goals and scope.
- Identify and categorize key ethical issues in the analysis of material flows for PV.
What is due for Lesson 5?
This lesson will take us one week to complete. Please refer to the Course Syllabus for specific time frames and due dates. Specific directions for the assignment below can be found within this lesson.
Requirements | Assignment Details |
To Do | Watch and familiarize yourself with all the Lesson 5 materials. |
Read and Watch | Week 7:
Assignment | Week 7:
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