The overall aim of the WMO Basic Instruction Packages is to provide an individual with a knowledge of atmospheric phenomena and processes, together with skills related to the application of this knowledge.
For example, in order to satisfy the requirements of the BIP-MT, it is necessary for an individual to achieve the learning outcomes that cover:
– The acquisition of basic knowledge concerning physical principles and atmospheric interactions, methods of measurement and data analysis, a basic description of weather systems, and a basic description of the general circulation of the atmosphere and climate variations;
– The application of basic knowledge to observe and monitor the atmosphere and interpret commonly used meteorological diagrams and products;
The intent in satisfying the BIP-MT requirements is to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills and confidence to carry on developing their expertise and provide a basis for further specialization.
Individuals wishing to work in areas such as weather observing, climate monitoring, network management, and provision of meteorological information and products to users will need to undertake further education and training to meet the specialized job competencies in these areas. In addition, individuals are expected to continue enhancing their knowledge and skills by participating in continuous professional development throughout their careers.
At the Thirteenth WMO Education and Training Symposium (SYMET-13) we proposed an education system that seamlessly combines BIP-MT & BIP-M education, both in-person and at a distance. Below is the abstract of the confrence presentation.
Building a Foundation: Basic Instruction Packages via an On-Demand Distributed Learning Network
Based on diverse learner needs, the education and training mission of the WMO requires an array of pedagogical approaches. In the case of BIP-M and BIP-MT competencies, a dispersed learner population and limited funding create significant challenges for large-capacity, traditional face-to-face training. In light of such constraints, the Department of Meteorology’s Online Education Group proposes an innovative distributed learning network for delivering the BIP curriculum at a distance.
With the increased accessibility of the internet, online education is an ideal delivery method for reaching those who would not have access to training materials otherwise. We propose constructing a framework of discrete (~10 hour) learning modules, provided by a consortium of education providers. Each module would incrementally equip learners with the knowledge and skills outlined in the BIP competency requirements. In addition to content, modules will contain a variety of assessments including self-directed quizzing, laboratory/data exercises, communication opportunities with SME’s, and a culminating experiential learning experience. Students will complete modules based on a mastery learning philosophy and their progress will be recorded by means of an open-source badging solution. This distributed model of instruction will allow for multiple contributors, both in content creation and student evaluation. In fact, much of the content likely exists among the various collaborators. The ultimate goal is to provide a curricular framework and implementation structure whereby all educational and training partners can work together, lowering costs and providing maximum accessibility to learners.
Click on the LESSON
tab above to see a sample educational module of the type envisioned in this presentation.