Demonstration Module


Mastery Exercise

Earn Your Badge...

After working through all the course material, self-check quizzes and laboratory exercises, you are ready to test for master of this topic and earn your badge. Please contact your instructor who will send you the list of tasks to be completed and submitted as evidence of mastery.  Your work will be evaluated on the following criteria:


Moutain-Valley Circulations


When you've completed this page, you should be able to describe the conditions that favor the development of mountain-valley circulations, as well as describe the nature of these circulations both during the daytime and at night. You should also be able to describe the up- and down-valley winds that can result from a secondary circulation, and discuss the forecasting impacts of these circulations.

Apparent Forces Have Real Impact


At the completion of this section, you should be able to discuss the meaning of an "apparent force" and how they are created. You should also be able to talk more specifically about the Coriolis force: what causes it, what are its effects, and the time/space scales on which its effects are visible (and not visible).

Forces For and Against the Wind


After completing this section, you will be able to describe two of the forces that affect the wind speed and direction. Make sure that you can identify the direction of the pressure gradient force vector given a map of isobars. Also, you should be able to qualitatively describe the magnitude of the friction force given a particular terrain. All of these skills are necessary in order to analyze the wind direction and speed at a given location.

Getting a Handle on the Wind


At the end of this section you should be able to describe how the pressure gradient force, the Coriolis force, and friction act to determine the wind direction and speed. More importantly, you should know how to determine the geostrophic wind and surface wind direction given a map of sea-level pressures.

WMO Basic Instruction Packages

The overall aim of the WMO Basic Instruction Packages is to provide an individual with a knowledge of atmospheric phenomena and processes, together with skills related to the application of this knowledge.

For example, in order to satisfy the requirements of the BIP-MT, it is necessary for an individual to achieve the learning outcomes that cover:


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