Step 3
Next, get the model to calculate how much energy we would need in total. This is easy — all you have to do is choose the global population limit and the history of per capita energy demand and the model combines these. You may choose whatever population limit you like. You may also change the per capita energy demand from the default, but it will cost you money, and you’ll have to keep track of that money (the model will keep track of it for you). The model does this by first calculating the total energy demand without any conservation (called the reference global energy demand in the model), using the default graph of per capita energy demand and the population — then we subtract from that the reduced energy demand (you need to lower the per capita energy demand curve) to give the amount of energy conserved (see page 12 of the graph pad). Next, the model takes this energy conserved and multiplies it by the unit cost of conserved energy, which is 0.5e9$/EJ (McKinsey, 2010) to get the conservation costs. Compare this unit cost of conservation to the unit costs of making energy from different sources by clicking on the Energy Costs button in the upper right of the model window, and you’ll see that conservation is a great deal. There is an upper limit here of 40% reduction from the reference curve, according to estimates from McKinsey (2010), so you can't push this too far. In fact, if you try to conserve an unrealistic amount, the model will override you and keep the actual per capita energy to within the 40% limit. Once you’ve got the total energy demand, the model subtracts the energy production from fossil fuels to get the energy that has to be supplied by renewables (non-fossil fuel sources).
The video below, Capstone Project Step 3 Instructions, will take you through the steps involved in this part of the project.
Video: Capstone Project Step 3 Instructions (4:24)
Step 3 Deliverables
NOTE: Skip these deliverables until you've cycled through Steps 1-6 and found your ideal scenario. Then produce the following:
A graph showing the reference global energy demand and actual global energy demand and the energy conserved (page 12 of graph pad), along with the conservation costs.
A graph showing the global energy demand, the carbon-based energy, and the renewable energy (page 2 of graph pad). Both of these graphs should appear in your summary poster.
A brief statement of what you chose for a population limit, and what kinds of challenges (if any) you think might be involved in achieving this population limit. This should be positioned next to the graph above.