We've progressed pretty far at this point. You can make interactive art with your computer!
Exercises (This is a repeat; these were already written in the lesson pages earlier)
4.1 Draw a series of points in a trail following the mouse position.
4.2 Draw a shape that follows the mouse but does not leave a trail.
4.3 Draw a shape that follows the mouse but in reverse (reverse x and y or reverse the response to changes in directions of x and y)
4.4 Draw a shape that changes size depending on the mouse position.
4.5 Draw three different shapes of three different colors to the screen and have them move in an interesting relationship to the mouse when the mouse is moved, and have them change color when the mouse is clicked.
4.6 Make a virtual Etch-a-Sketch in which you use the keyboard to draw a black line on a grey background.
4.7 Modify my "random circles" program so that the aspect ratio of each ellipse is also randomized
4.8 Modify my "random circles" program so that the top half of the screen gets filled with randomly-placed rectangles and the bottom half gets filled with randomly-placed circles.
4.9 Take your custom shape from previous exercises (or make a new one) and write it as a function.
4.10 Modify your program in 4.9 so that your function is drawn to the screen with a random color scheme.
4.11 Choice!: Modify your program in 4.9 so that your shape is drawn to the display window at the position where you click your mouse.
OR modify your program so that your shape follows your mouse around the display window
OR modify your program so that the display window fills up with your shape in randomized locations. (NOTE: why not do them all? But you only have to submit one. See below)
4.12 Review: Modify your program so that your shape moves back and forth across the screen.
Reminder - Complete all of the Lesson 4 tasks!
You have reached the end of Lesson 4! Double-check the to-do list on the Lesson 4 Overview page to make sure you have completed all of the activities listed there before you begin Lesson 5. You should have submitted three programs to the dropbox: exercises 4.8, one of the 4.11 options, and 4.12. Also, you should have been participating all week in the reading discussion.