It is also useful to take advantage of the 3D renderer if you want to do the equivalent of "flipping" a shape over the x or y axis, which is easier than trying to recalculate the vertices in your head.
void setup(){ size(200,200,P3D); noStroke(); noLoop(); } void draw(){ fill(0); capitalE(width/2,height/2); fill(255); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2,height/2,0); rotate(PI); capitalE(0,0); popMatrix(); fill(255,0,0); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2,height/2,0); rotateY(PI); capitalE(0,0); popMatrix(); } void capitalE(int x, int y) { beginShape(); vertex(x,y); vertex(x,y+100); vertex(x+40,y+100); vertex(x+40,y+90); vertex(x+10,y+90); vertex(x+10,y+55); vertex(x+29,y+55); vertex(x+29,y+45); vertex(x+10,y+45); vertex(x+10,y+10); vertex(x+33,y+10); vertex(x+33,y); endShape(CLOSE); }

Screenshot of the output of the program above. The black capital E is rotated by 180 around the z axis and plotted in white. It is flipped over the y axis and plotted in red, so to make a mirror image.
program by E. Richardson in Processing