A World Map
I got this data file from the NOAA coastline extractor, which is now obsolete but you can find a similar version of it at the CIA World Data Bank II(link is external). I'm not giving you a screenshot of the datafile this time because it is a 1.2 Mb file with over 62,000 lines. And that's the low-res version! Try pasting that one into Excel! However the program that makes this plot is quite simple:
//plotting a map of the world String[] coast; void setup () { size ( 600 , 300 ); coast = loadStrings( "coastText.txt" ); noLoop (); } void draw () { background ( 255 ); float [] coastLon = new float [coast. length ]; float [] coastLat = new float [coast. length ]; float [] newCoastLon = new float [coast. length ]; float [] newCoastLat = new float [coast. length ]; for ( int i= 0 ; i<coast. length ; i++){ String[] data = split(coast[i], ' ' ); coastLon[i] = float (data[ 0 ]); coastLat[i] = float (data[ 1 ]); } for ( int i= 0 ; i<coastLon. length ; i++){ newCoastLon[i] = map (coastLon[i],- 180 , 180 , 0 , width ); newCoastLat[i] = map (coostLat[i],- 90 , 90 , height , 0 ); } stroke ( 50 ); for ( int i= 0 ; i<coastLon. length ; i++){ point (newCoastLon[i],newCoastLat[i]); } |

I should point out here that it is just a coincidence that I used map to make an actual map. In fact, map is handy anytime you have a variable with a natural range to it but you want it to be expanded or contracted proportionally to a different range. For example, here is a program where map is used to expand the greyscale, which normally goes from 0 to 255, to a range that goes from 0 to 400, the width of the screen:
// demo use of "map" float x; float y; void setup () { size ( 500 , 200 ); } void draw (){ x= random ( width ); y= random ( height ); int a= int (x); color colr = int ( map (a, 0 , width , 0 , 255 )); fill (colr); ellipse (x,y, 20 , 20 ); } |