EGEE 102
Energy Conservation for Environmental Protection

Lesson 7: Home Heating Basics


Welcome to Lesson 7!

Watch an introduction to Lesson 7(link is external)

Checklist for Lesson 7

Here is your "to do" list for this week.

See the Calendar tab in Canvas for due dates/times.

  1. Read the online lesson:
    • Lesson 7a: Residential Heat Loss
    • Lesson 7b: Insulation and Home Heating Fuels
  2. Watch the Lesson 7 - Guided Review (Flash movie) (a printable Review Sheet is also provided)
  3. Go through the Lesson 7 - Questions for Review and Discussion
  4. Review the Lesson 7 - Resources (supplemental materials that are optional...but informative!)
  5. Complete the Lesson 7 - StudyMate Activities (You will obtain feedback for these exercises, but they will not count toward your final course grade.)
  6. Optional: Complete the questions on pp. 134-143 in your textbook Environmental protection: Your power and energy. The answers can be found in the back of the book. NOTE: Some of those textbook questions may appear on quizzes and exams!
  7. Take the Lesson 7 - Quiz (graded)


If you have any questions, please post them to the Discussions tab located in Canvas. I will check that discussion forum daily to respond. While you are visiting the discussion board, feel free to post your own responses to questions posted by others - this way you would be helping out a classmate!