In order to be able to use this in a poster exposition or competition, it should not exceed 46” (W) x 36” (H).
Tips for Designing an Effective Infographic
- Present all information in a visual and concise way.
- Cite all data and graphics.
- Choose your fonts carefully.
- Choose a font that is easy to read.
- Limit font choices to 2-3 different fonts and be consistent where you use them (titles, headers, text, etc.).
- Limit the amount of text. Each text box should contain a maximum of 50 words.
- Limit your color scheme to 2-3 colors. Use color to:
- connect your ideas, sections, categories, etc;.
- highlight the most important elements;
- direct your audience through the story;
- Consider the size of various elements. Size helps to:
- suggest the importance and relevance of various elements -- the bigger something is the more important it is;
- connect ideas and sections;
- direct your viewer through the display;