EGEE 401
Energy in a Changing World

Lesson 8 Infographic


Lesson 8 Assignment 

In this lesson, we discussed Canada’s renewable energy strategies and resources. Now you are going to have an opportunity to explore the strategies, policies, and resources used by a country of your choosing (other than the U.S.). The goal is to create an infographic that summarizes this information in a visual format.

Purpose of this infographic:

To successfully complete this assignment, you will create an infographic that describes the renewable energy approach and policies for a chosen country.

Communicating Visually:

To begin creating your infographic, select a country that is of particular interest to you and review their policies for renewable energy. Then create an infographic which describes the renewable energy approach and policies for that country. As done above, note what renewable sources are emphasized, what policy approaches they use and so on. Identify whether accessibility, reliability, security, or sustainability are the priority in your country of choice, with specifics of the policies that informed your answer.

You’ll need to spend some time thinking about the various connections and how to demonstrate them in the most concise and effective manner possible. You’ll need to illustrate all this information in a manner that is easily understood ‘at a glance,’ meaning there shouldn’t be any additional resources or information one should need to read in order to understand what you are trying to communicate. In other words, try to visually show the connections between policy goals- do renewable energy requirements connect to climate change goals? Your infographic may include factoids and even selected screen shots to demonstrate a point; but make sure to input your own interpretation of how these individual facts can relate.

Successfully completing this assignment:

If you haven’t done so already, review the foundational information on creating infographics. You can view those resources through the links provided below. The rubric used for grading this assignment can be found on the Infographic Activity webpage as well as the Infographic Drop Box for Lesson 1 on Canvas.

Infographic Information Video