EGEE 401
Energy in a Changing World

Lesson 12 Infographic


Lesson 12 Assignment

Purpose of this infographic:

To successfully complete this assignment, you will create an infographic that illustrates either how water and energy relate, or how food and energy relate.

Communicating Visually:

To pull together the concepts learned in this lesson, develop an infographic that illustrates either how water and energy relate, or how food and energy relate. In your illustration, show sources of energy, how it is used by the water or food sectors, and how those sectors in turn support energy generation. Include the results of your water footprint calculator. Illustrate or note how your footprint relates to the concepts in the Infographic. Note points where innovation can help address a conflict.

Successfully completing this assignment:

If you haven’t done so already, review the foundational information on creating infographics. You can view those resources through the links provided in the Orientation Module in Canvas. The rubric used for grading this assignment can be found on the Infographic Activity webpage as well as the Infographic Drop Box for Lesson 1 on Canvas.

Infographic Information Video