EGEE 401
Energy in a Changing World

Lesson 9 Assignment


Lesson 9 Assignment


In this lesson, we explored the concepts of regulated and deregulated energy markets and the factors that impact each. We also discussed renewable energy policies as it related to regulated and de-regulated markets. We also discussed the current state of the energy marketplace and how it pertains to your geographic location. To pull these concepts together, we’re going to engage in a creative activity.

Purpose of this Essay activity:

To successfully complete this assignment, you will write an essay which reflects the ideas and concepts presented in this lesson, specifically answering the questions provided below.

Successfully completing this assignment:

You will need to research your own options regarding the electricity market. You present the information in the form of an essay (300 words plus or minus 10%). Even though some of you live in Pennsylvania, not all replies will be the same because we learned that market choices are not the same statewide in many U.S. states.

In your submission, please answer the following questions:

  • Is your state deregulated? If so, to what degree (electricity only? Natural gas?)
  • [If not, focus your comments on if there are plans for deregulation. Also discuss what options you do have to choose a power producer.]
  • Do your choices include renewable energy options? Do you think it would be different if you were deregulated/regulated (as compared to what you are)?
  • Can you identify the specific renewable energy program approach(es) used in your state?
  • Are there programs for consumers to learn how to choose their energy provider?
  • Does your local utility offer educational material on energy efficiency and saving energy?
  • Does your utility have demand side options (such as smart metering, etc.)?