EGEE 401
Energy in a Changing World




In the previous lesson we explored the interconnected and interdependent nature of energy, water and food. We learned about how our lifestyle decisions regarding energy and food impact our overall water footprint. We also touched on how water is needed for energy production and energy is needed to extract, clean and distribute drinking water. In this lesson, we will explore in more detail how water-related impacts of climate change will affect the energy transition. As our freshwater resources face greater challenges as the result of climate change (not enough water when we need it, too much when we don’t, or water of poor quality), policy makers will need to balance the trade-offs between cleaner energy provision, expanding water services to the developing world, greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable supplies of freshwater. While the transition to EVs, in particular, will help address one aspect of our climate crisis, it may inadvertently place undue stress on our dwindling readily available freshwater supplies. Systems thinking is a concept that will help policy makers and other decision makers work through the complexities of these trade-offs in the face of climate change.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to:   

  • Identify the connection between climate change and increasing incidence of stress to global freshwater supplies
  • Compare and contrast how the four attributes of energy provision (accessibility, reliability, security, and sustainability) relate to easy access to freshwater supplies
  • Describe potential trade-offs between cleaner energy provision, provision of water and wastewater services and climate goals

Lesson Roadmap

List of Activities to be Completed
Read Lesson 13 content and all assigned readings
Participate Guiding Questions
Complete Briefing Memo


If you have questions, please feel free to post them to the Questions about EGEE 401 Discussion forum in Canvas. While you are there, feel free to post your own responses if you, too, are able to help a classmate.