EME 504
Foundations in Sustainability Systems

1.2 Relationships among the sustainability triad

Besides a 3-pillar sustainability concept, businesses approaching sustainability often refer to it as the triple bottom line: people, planet, and profits. In the modern business landscape, profitability is not the sole focus; the effects of business activities on people and the planet are equally important. 

Achieving the goals of Sustainability requires a balance among three different bottom lines (shown in Figure 1.2), which are linked in very intricate ways. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a temporary decrease of carbon emissions. However, tentative improvements in the economy have been accompanied by proportionally larger increments in emissions. Stricter regulations on the mining industry in the developed world resulted in mass migration of extractive industries to the developing world, with a net increment in environmental degradation and larger losses of environmental resources.

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Figure 1.2: Sustainability triad
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Earth floats at the top of the diagram. Three words project from its underside: Economy, Environment, and Society. The word Economy connects to the following description: Sustained economic growth: Preservation of the Direct Value or the sum of the commodities present in an ecosystem. The word Environment connects to the following description: Extraction at the Optimum Sustainable Yield (OPS): the use does not affect other parts of the ecosystem and present and future uses of a resource. The word Society connects to the following description: Sustained benefit to people: Ethical management, fair access, and preservation of aesthetic and cultural value of the ecosystem.
Figure Credit: Sustainability triad by N. Abreyu © Penn State is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

The Environmental Bottom Line limits the extraction and harvesting to levels at or below the Optimal Sustainable Yield and it addresses critical environmental concerns:

  1. Emissions. Minimize emission from fossil fuels and the impact of these emissions on global climate.
  2. Resources. Reverse the loss of environmental resources.
  3. Biodiversity. Decrease the rate of decline of biodiversity.

The Social Bottom Line addresses the ethical management of resources, issues of social stability, and the preservation of aesthetic and cultural values. Social stability requires universal access to:

  1. Food. Feeding the world's population, which is projected to reach over 9 billion by 2050, requires a large increment of agricultural output. This is particularly important in the developing world, where production is limited and most of the population growth is predicted to occur. However, modern agricultural methods require vast losses of wild lands, drastic changes in ecosystems, and the introduction of large amounts of fertilizer and pesticides.
  2. Safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Access to water that is microbially, chemically and physically safe for human and animal consumption, sanitation and hygiene remains a challenge in the developing world. In addition, depletion and pollution of surface and ground waters are an increasing concern in many developed nations, including the United States.

The Economic Bottom Line, as it relates to sustainability, emphasizes the direct economic value derived from the natural commodities present within an ecosystem. This concept focuses on the tangible benefits that ecosystems provide, which can be quantified and often monetized. These benefits, commonly referred to as ecosystem services, include resources such as water, timber, food, and raw materials, as well as services like pollination, water filtration, and climate regulation. By preserving these commodities, ecosystems not only sustain their inherent biodiversity but also support economic activities that depend on them. Expanding on this idea, the Economic Bottom Line seeks to maintain or enhance the economic value of these services while ensuring that their exploitation does not lead to long-term degradation.