EME 810
Solar Resource Assessment and Economics

3.11. Discussion Activity


Lesson 3 Discussion in Yellowdig!

We just introduced a totally foreign (yet intuitive) concept of climate regime to our lexicon in solar design. This is a new concept, but an essential one for advanced project development. You can start the discussion by posting what you perceive the meaning of climate regime to be from your personal reading and thought process. You can also comment on any uncertainty you initially found regarding the meaning, the intent, or application of climate regime to a project design, or to long-term project management. Creative interpretations of potential implications are welcome!

Here are some guiding questions:

  1. What does climate regime have to do with solar resource assessment?
  2. Is the solar resource a meteorological observable?
  3. How would you characterize the climate regime at your locale?
  4. If we wanted to "bin" similar conditions by time, why pick "seasons"? Why not just use monthly blocks?


When you create a post in the Yellowdig discussion space, you are required to choose a topic tag. For Lesson 3 discussions, feel free to use any of the following:

Tags: "Solar time vs. Clock time", "Analemma and Longitudinal Corrections", "Daylight Savings", "Solstices and Equinoxes"

You can tag your post with one or several topics at the same time. All posts and contributions you create are added up to one score at the end of the week.

Importance of interaction

Yellowdig tip: check in the Yellowdig site at least once per day. Commit to making at least one contribution daily – read new posts, ask questions, give your peers reactions and accolades. If reading generates some thoughts, share them, don’t postpone until later. This is a team learning space, so you are also helping others learn by being more active.


Yellowdig points you earn over the weekly point earning period (from Saturday to next Friday) will count towards 1000 pts. weekly target. But you can go above it (to 1350 pts. max). Yellowdig discussions will account for 15% of the total grade in the course. Check back the Orientation Yellowdig page in Canvas for more details on the points earning rules.


There is no hard deadline for participating in these discussions, but I encourage you to create your posts in the middle of the study week (Sunday) to allow others to engage and respond while we are learning specific topics in the lesson. Also, remember that each weekly point earning cycle ends Friday night, so all points accumulated by then will represent your weekly grade, and then you start all over again (it’s like playing a set in tennis..)