EME 812
Utility Solar Power and Concentration

Summary and Activities


Summary and Activities

This lesson overviewed the main trends in the development of the large-scale energy storage systems. These systems are considered to be pivotal enabling technologies for greater penetration of renewables into the power grid. Cost, size, and ability to quickly install storage at any location on demand are key factors that will ensure the dispatchability of the new energy resources. Choosing the proper storage technology and sizing the system for a project can be a tricky balancing act between the ability to meet power requirements over a certain period of time and investment cost. In this lesson, you had a chance to study several successful operating solar+storage projects that provide us with a realistic picture of benefits as well as challenges of utility scale storage implementation.

Please go through the following activities to complete this lesson.

Due for Lesson 10
Type Description/Instructions Deadline
Readings Complete all necessary reading assigned in this lesson.
Yellowdig Discussion 

Join the Yellowdig community for the conversation about this lesson material. Check Module 10 in Canvas for suggested topics.

the point-earning period for this week runs from Saturday to next Friday.


PV + BESS Sizing

Consider the following hypothetical scenario: Penn State’s main campus (University Park) aims to cover 25% of its electricity needs by solar energy. For that purpose, a utility scale PV + battery array system is to be deployed. The system should be able to provide 25% power off-grid if necessary. The PV plant will be feeding the load during the day and will also charge the BESS storage, which will be used to supply power during the night hours.

Your goals will be (1) to determine the nameplate capacity for the PV installation and capacity of the BESS storage to meet the generation target, and (2) research vendors for BESS storage and suggest some options for storage units to deploy. 

 Please see more specific instructions for this assignment in Module 10 in Canvas

Wednesday night