EMSC 302
Orientation to Energy and Sustainability Policy

Required ESP Courses


Required ESP Courses 

I know that there's a lot of info in a lot of places and you've been bombarded with info since starting with us. We've done our best to minimize the amount of clicking around that you have to do by providing some course-related information on the Courses page of the Program Office Website

On the Courses page, there is a table called "ESP Prescribed Courses (62 credits) and Scheduled World Campus Offerings" (see screenshot below). All of the ESP core courses are listed here, for both the BA and the BS degree (because the core coursework is the same for both**!) For each course, we've indicated when it is typically offered. Offering schedules change infrequently, but it does happen! 

This table is important because not all courses are offered all semesters! DO NOT USE THE SCREENSHOT BELOW TO COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT!

In addition to showing when courses are offered, the table also lists each course's prerequisites (*Gasp!*) and if you click on the course's title, it will take you to the course's website where you can view the course's content! This table is invaluable when you are making your semester-by-semester plan for completing your degree. (We'll talk about making that plan on the next page...)

Screenshot of the ESP Prescribed Courses table. Follow link above for more information.
Screenshot of the ESP Prescribed Courses table found on the Program Office website. DO NOT USE THIS SCREENSHOT TO COMPLETE THE LESSON ASSIGNMENT.
Credit: © Penn State University is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

**BA vs BS?

If you have questions about which ESP degree is right for your career aspirations, talk with your adviser!