Food and the Future Environment

Goals and Learning Objectives


Goals and Learning Objectives


  • Describe the concepts of resilience, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability (RACV) in a food system.
  • Explain food access and food insecurity as a key challenge to food systems.
  • Appraise the value of human seed systems and agrobiodiversity as human system components that incorporate crops as natural components and foster resilience.
  • Apply concepts of RACV to understand changes in seed systems and food production in examples.
  • Analyze stresses and shocks from climate change and food system failure that lead to both gradual changes in food systems and acute crises such as famines.

Learning Objectives

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Define the concepts of perturbations and shocks, resilience, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability in the context of agri-food systems.
  • Define and describe agrobiodiversity within food production systems and changes in this agrobiodiversity over time.
  • Define the concepts of food access, food security, food insecurity, malnutrition, and famine.
  • Give examples of resilience, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability in food systems.
  • Give examples of support systems for biodiversity in land use and food systems.
  • Evaluate recent examples in land use and food systems of resilience, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability (RACV).
  • Analyze an example of a recent famine and understand how multiple factors of vulnerability and shocks combine to create widespread conditions of food insecurity known as famines.
  • Understand scales at which resilience and vulnerability come into play, including farm, community, regional, and international scales.
  • Propose principles embodying RACV for incorporation into a proposal/scenario for an example food system (capstone project).