Goals and Learning Objectives
- Describe the basic elements of a healthy diet from a scientific standpoint.
- Describe current major nutrition challenges and their immediate causes, such as nutrient deficiencies and calorie overconsumption.
- Relate current major nutrition challenges to social factors such as food access and changing diets in modern food systems.
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the basic categories of nutrients and how these contribute to human function and health.
- Describe the major changes taking place in diet/nutrition in rich and poor countries, respectively.
- Define the concept of food access and the term "food desert" as contrasted to the broader concepts of food security and food insecurity.
- Understand changes in thinking around healthy nutrition and basic principles that have remained.
- Use an online nutrition tool to analyze and compare diets and areas in which they are deficient or excessive in nutrients.
- Analyze why food access is an issue in modern food systems.
- Use a mapping tool to analyze the situation of food access in U.S. cities, and relate these situations of food access to literature describing the history of strategies to guarantee food access in these cities.