Soils Support Plant Growth and Food Production
Support, Water, and Nutrients
Before examining other basic soil functions, it is helpful and will avoid possible confusion, to understand the basics of how soils support the needs of crops, which in turn support the food needs of humans and their livestock. Firstly, soils provide a physical means of support and attachment for crops – analogous to the foundation of a house. Second, most water used by plants is drawn up through roots from the pores in soils that provide vital buffering of the water supply that arrives at crops either from rainstorms or applied as irrigation by humans. Third, as crops grow and build their many parts by photosynthesizing carbon out of the air (see module 6, next, for more on this) they gain most of the mineral nutrients they need (chemical elements) they need2 from soils, for example by taking up potassium or calcium that started out as part of primary minerals in earth’s crust, or nitrogen in organic matter that came originally from fertilizer or the earth’s atmosphere. The adaptation of crop plants domesticated by human farmers (and other plants) to soils, and the adaptation of the soil ecosystem to plants as their primary source of food mean that soils usually fulfill these roles admirably well.
2 The elements needed by plants other than Carbon (from the air) and Hydrogen/Oxygen (from water) in rough order of concentration are Potassium, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Boron, Copper, Molybdenum, and Cobalt (for some plants). Other elements are taken up into plants in a passive way without being essential, such as Sodium, Silicon, or Arsenic.