Written assignments make up the bulk of your grade in this course. These should be high-quality short papers (500-750 words long) that are well-organized (i.e., with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion), thoroughtly proofread, carefully researched (you do not always have to do research outside of the modules, but your paper should demonstrate that you understand and can apply the material in the modules), and respond to ALL parts of the assignment prompt. Expect to work on each paper over the course of a few days (these are NOT assignments you can throw together 20 minutes before they are due).
Each paper must engage at least three concepts or ideas from that week's course material, which you should highlight in bold. It is not enough to just mention them. You must define them and explain why they are relevant to your paper.
Take time to understand the grading rubric before you begin the assignment. Your grade will depend on how well you meet the criteria and expectations outlined in the rubric.