In Lesson 7, you learned about treating water sufficiently to make it potable. In Lesson 8, another set of treatment options for wastewater are available to decontaminate water once it has been used. Again, numerous options are available, some standard, some specialized, depending on the type and degree of contamination. You should be able to recognize and describe briefly the more common methods for treating wastewater. The readings from the text and the Lecture 8 - Wastewater Lecture (PPTX) will cover those processes. Additioanlly, you will understand key methods for water demand and water management.
Required Reading
Holden (2020) –Horan, Chapter 8 – Potable water and wastewater treatment (p.290-322)
Holden (2020) – McDonald & Mitchell, Chapter 9 - Water Demand planning and Management (p.323-350)
Required Viewing
GEOG 431 Lesson 8 – Wastewater Lecture (PPT)(Registered students can access a copy of the Microsoft PowerPoint file under Lesson 8 in Canvas.)