Your assignment for Lesson 10 is to write a 2-page essay (3-page maximum) suggesting possible solutions to a case study about water conflicts. You can select a water conflict from any source, but the Pacific Institute's - The World's Water - Water Conflict Chronology has an extensive list from which to choose. Another good source is the Environmental Justice Atlas. Describe and analyze the conflict and determine the environmental impacts, people involved in the conflict, role of governments, and any positives that have resulted from the conflict. Also provide at least one possible solution to the conflict.
Note: If you use the The World's Water - Water Conflict Chronology, do NOT choose a "weapon" or "casualty" type of water conflict. These are not really water conflicts; they're just conflicts that involve water in an indirect way and are not ideal for this assignment.
Please submit your paper using the Assignment 10.1 - Water Conflict Essay drop box under Lesson 10 in Canvas. (See the Calendar in Canvas for specific due dates.)
The following rubric will be used to score your assignment.
Description | Full points | Partial points | No points | Points total |
Case study | Discussed all topics: type of conflict, environmental impacts, people involved in the conflict, role of governments, any positives outcomes, and potential solution(s). | Does not discuss 1-2 topics: type of conflict, environmental impacts, people involved in the conflict, role of governments, or any positives outcomes. | Does not discuss 3+ topics: type of conflict, environmental impacts, people involved in the conflict, role of governments, or any positives outcomes. | 5 |
Content | Great overview. Narrative is detailed and demonstrates that the content was well researched. | Good overview. However, details are vague and narrative could be expanded to include more content. | Content is brief and lacks detail. Does not demonstrate an understanding of the water conflict. | 15 |
College-level writing | No grammar or spelling mistakes. Content is organized well. | 2-3 grammar or spelling mistakes. Flow and organization of content could be improved. | 3+ grammar or spelling mistakes. Content does not flow and is unorganized. | 5 |
Citations | Included complete works cited page. All information is in the student’s own words and appropriately cited. | Works cited page is incomplete. Some information is not written in the student’s own words. | No primary sources included. Works cited page is incomplete or missing. Most information is not written in the student’s own words. | 5 |