Object-oriented technology is widely used in GIS research and software development. In addition to the advantages that object-oriented technology brings to software analysis and design, it also benefits the data modeling of GIS. This is the second of two lessons on object-oriented tools and techniques for geospatial system development. This lesson addresses the important skill of object modeling during systems design. Here you will learn about various unified modeling language (UML) diagrams and object-oriented design concepts. While object-oriented data models have been extensively used for modeling geographic applications, the models present limitations, since they do not provide appropriate primitives for representing spatial data. There are efforts to provide primitives for modeling the geometry and the topology of spatial data, supporting different topological structures, multiple views of objects, and spatial relationships. In this way, UML is being enhanced to overcome the limitations of the existing models, thus providing more adequate tools for modeling geographic applications.
Lesson Learning Objectives:
- Describe the activities involved in object-oriented design.
- Differentiate between a design use-case narrative and an analysis use-case narrative.
- Model class interactions with sequence diagrams.
- Understand the use of communications diagrams, component diagrams, and deployment diagrams.
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