This activity contains two parts - See the course calendar for specific due dates and time frames:
- DUE SUNDAY: Complete a quiz on the contents of this lesson.
- MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY: Participate daily in a class discussion.
Because we will be using an online discussion forum that is asynchronous for this activity, you will need to begin work right away! Be sure to log in to the class discussion forum multiple times between Thursday and Sunday so that you can keep the discussion going.
Directions - Part 1, Quiz
Take the "Lesson 4 - Facilitating Public Participation with GIS" quiz. The quiz consists of 10 multiple choice and short essay questions. You may only take this quiz once, but you may use your notes. This quiz will only be available until the due date indicated on the calendar. Be sure to complete it on time! THIS QUIZ IS NOT GRADED.
Directions - Part 2, Discussion
- Select the "Lesson 4 - Discussion" forum from the Lesson 4 module and discuss the following. Your peers in this class come from varied backgrounds and locations. Given this, what specific incidences of environmental justice impacts your home location. Be specific about the type, location and population impacted and what has been accomplished to correct the situation. You can use the EPA's EJSCREEN to assist you.
- Read the postings made by the other GEOG 469 students.
- Respond to at least one other posting by asking for clarification, asking a follow-up question, expanding on what has already been said, etc. Make sure your posting is meaningful! I do not want to see "I agree" type postings! Your responses should add value to the discussion.
- Return to the discussion forum daily to read new postings, answer questions directed specifically to you, and to respond to any other postings of interest with your own questions or thoughts!
Grading Criteria
I will not be recording your quiz grade. I will, however, be reviewing your quiz submission carefully and including your responses in the summary for the whole class.
All students are expected to participate in the questions in their group discussions in a concise, well-organized, and scholarly manner. Saying, “I agree with Jennifer” is not adequate. You need to say why you agree (or disagree) and support your comments. Comments should be based upon information obtained from appropriate reference sources including lesson materials, previous coursework, Web-based information, or personal experience. You must use proper grammar and spelling for all contributions.
Your contributions to this assignment will be graded on a 15-point scale. Look at the discussion rubric for more details about my expectations.