Where are the files located for the Lesson 7 Activity?
In the Term Project Materials folder
How do I download the Lesson 7 Activity Files?
Click on the SAMPLE_ROUTING_PROJECT.zip file and follow the download instructions that appear on the screen.
Where do I download the files to?
Download to your C:\temp folder.
My computer does not have a C:\temp folder, what should I do?
Create a C:\temp folder:
Click on the START icon (Lower left corner of your screen).
Click on File Explorer icon (Looks like a folder).
Click on Local Disk (C:), click on HOME (Top Menu) select NEW FOLDER, then type in “temp” (without quotes) for the folder name.
The folder should look like this C:\temp
You can also watch the first 7:30 minutes of theDownloading Term Project Filesvideo for details about how to create a C:temp folder
How and where do I extract the zipped file?
Right-click the downloaded zipped file and choose EXTRACT ALL..., the unzipping program associated with your computer. Extract the files to the C:\temp folder.
You can also watch the last 4 minutes (starting at 7:40) of the Downloading Term Project Files video for directions on extracting (Unzipping) the appropriate files.
What should my C:\temp folder look like once I have extracted the files?
What folders/files should be present in my C:\temp\SAMPLE_ROUTING_PROJECT\ folder?
Folders: analysis & data
Files: Base Map, Base Map.mxd, SampleProject_Toolbox_v3.tbx, Simplified_Epri_model and Simplified_Route_Evaluation_spreadsheet
My folder/ file structure looks like this: C:\temp\SAMPLE_ROUTING_PROJECT\SAMPLE_ROUTING_PROJECT\ is this OK?
The folder/file structure must look like this: C:\temp\SAMPLE_ROUTING_PROJECT\
If it looks incorrect, delete the folders and again extract the zipped folder, but this time to C:\temp
Will the Sample Routing Project files execute in ArcGIS PRO if they are located in some other location?
These files must be located in the C:\temp folder for you to execute the Lesson 9 Activity.
What if I do not complete the download before the end of Lesson 7?
You will have deducted points from your Lesson 9 Activity.
Where are the files located for the Lesson 9 Activity?
In the Term Project Materials folder
How do I download the Lesson 9 Activity Files?
Click on a file and follow the download instructions that appear on the screen.
Where do I download the files to?
Siting Transmission Lines Using the EPRI-GTC Siting Methodology file
Download to your Desktop.
Transmission Line Siting Exercise Instructions file
Download to your Desktop.
This should have already been downloaded to your C:\temp folder and unzipped in Lesson 7.
Will the Sample Routing Project files execute in ArcGIS PRO if they are located in some other location?
These files must be located in the C:\temp folder for you to execute the Lesson 9 Activity.
How do I start the Lesson 9 Activity?
Follow the instructions starting on Page 2 of the 'Transmission Line Siting Exercise Instructions ArcGIS Pro' document you downloaded to your Desktop.
What if I don’t follow the instructions exactly?
There is a good chance your project will not execute properly.
How long will it take me to complete the Lesson 9 Activity?
ArcGIS PRO modeling: 3-5 hours
Write-up: 2-4 hours
What if I have problems running the ArcMap Exercise?
Post your problem in the Lesson 9 General Questions and Comments Discussion Forum.