Part A: Data Analysis and Presentation
Category | Weight | 31 – 40 Points | 21 – 30 Points | 11 – 20 Points | 1 – 10 Points | 0 Points |
Project Description | 10% | Full graphic showing proposed area for the new line. Identified the company, the planned line size, the general location for the new line and the reasons why the line is needed. Presented logically and in an understandable manner. No more than two slides. |
Partial graphics showing 3 of 4 graphic elements, graphics, but meets all the other requirements listed for 40 Points. Logically presented. No more than two slides. |
Partial graphics showing 2 of 4 graphic elements and identifies at least two of the descriptive criteria listed for 40 Points. More than two slides. |
No graphics and only one criterion listed. Poorly organized. |
No graphics and no criteria listed. Poor understanding of the project. |
Base Map | 15% | Includes all 6 required elements: start and end points, avoidance information, conservation information, building centroids, land use, land cover, and North Arrow, Scale bar & Legend. | Includes 5 of the 6 required elements. | Includes 4 of the 6 required elements. | Includes 3 of the 6 required elements. | Includes 2 or less of the 6 required elements. |
Alternate Route Map Completeness | 15% | 3 alternate routes and 3 corridors are displayed. | 3 alternate routes and 2 corridors are displayed. | 3 alternate routes and 1 corridor are displayed. | 2 alternate routes and 1 corridor are displayed. | Less than 2 of the alternate routes and corridors displayed. |
Spreadsheet Completeness | 5% | Includes all 7 required elements: route data, normalized data, built emphasis, natural environment emphasis, simple average emphasis, combined rank and chart graphs. | Includes 6 of the 7 required elements. | Includes 5 of the 7 required elements. | Includes 4 of the 7 required elements. | Includes 3 or fewer of the 7 required elements. |
Final Route Selection | 5% | Minimizes impacts to natural, built and engineered environments. | Minimizes impacts to 2 of the 3 environments. | Minimizes impacts to 1 of the 3 environments. | -- | No minimized impacts. |
Route Selection Process Explanation | 10% | Followed the Photo Science tutorial completely without assistance. Explained the major outcomes from each step showing a complete understanding of the GIS siting process. Presented graphics from each completed step in the analysis. | Followed the Photo Science tutorial without assistance. Explained the major outcomes from each step showing a complete understanding of the GIS siting process. | Followed the Photo Science tutorial with minimal assistance. Explained the major outcomes from each step, but not having a complete understanding of the GIS siting process. | Followed the Photo Science tutorial with major assistance. Explained the major outcomes from each step, but having only a minimal understanding of the GIS siting process. | Did not follow the Photo Science tutorial. No understanding of the GIS siting process. |
Addressing Public Participation | 5% | States the purpose of public participation clearly and creatively and is extremely well thought out. | States the purpose of public participation clearly and is generally well thought out. | States the purpose of public participation, and is somewhat thought out. | -- | Does not clearly state the purpose of public participation, and organization is poor or non-existent. |
Part B: Presentation
(Consists of three parts, Organization, Appearance, and Verbal Delivery. The total weight for all three parts is 40%
Category | Weight | 31 – 40 Points | 21 – 30 Points | 11 – 20 Points | 1 – 10 Points | 0 Points |
Organization | 13% | Extremely well organized. Introduces the purpose of the presentation clearly and creatively. Effectively includes smooth, clever transitions which are succinct but not choppy in order to connect key points. Presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Ends with an accurate conclusion showing thoughtful, strong evaluation of the evidence presented. Concludes by thanking the audience and opening the floor to a discussion in a stellar and professional manner. |
Generally well organized. Introduces the purpose of the presentation clearly. Includes transitions to connect key points but better transitions from idea to idea could have been used. Presents most information in logical sequence; A few minor points may be confusing. Ends with a summary of main points showing some evaluation of the evidence presented. Concludes by thanking the audience and opening the floor to a discussion in an unprofessional manner. |
Somewhat organized. Introduces the purpose of the presentation. Includes some transitions to connect key points but there is difficulty in following the presentation. Jumps around topics. Several points are confusing. Ends with a summary or conclusion; little evidence of evaluating content based on evidence. Does not thank the audience or open the floor for discussion. |
-- | Poor or non-existent organization. Does not clearly introduce the purpose of the presentation. Uses ineffective transitions that rarely connect points; cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence for information. Presents choppy and disjointed information; no apparent logical order of presentation. Ends without a summary or conclusion. Does not thank the audience or open the floor for discussion. |
Category | Weight | 31 – 40 Points | 21 – 30 Points | 11 – 20 Points | 1 – 10 Points | 0 Points |
Appearance | 13% | Graphics are designed to reinforce presentation thesis and maximize audience understanding; use of media is varied and appropriate with media not being added simply for the sake of use. Visual aids are colorful and large enough to be easily read. Font size and selection is appropriate for reading and viewing. Media are prepared in a professional manner. Details are minimized so that main points stand out. Use of graphical media is varied and appropriate. Graphical media does not clutter or overwhelm presentation. |
While graphics relate and aid presentation thesis, these media are not as varied and not as well connected to presentation thesis. Font size is appropriate for reading. Appropriate information is prepared. Some material is not supported by visual aids. Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors. |
Occasional use of graphics that rarely support presentation thesis; visual aids are not colorful or clear. Choppy, time wasting the use of multimedia; lacks smooth transition from one medium to another. Font is too small to be easily seen. Communication aids are poorly prepared or used inappropriately. Too much information is included. Unimportant material is highlighted. Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors. |
Student uses superfluous graphics, or graphics that are so poorly prepared that they detract from the presentation. Font is too small to be easily seen. Student's presentation has four spelling errors and/or grammatical errors. |
No graphics are used. Font is unreadable. Student’s presentation has 5 or more spelling and/or grammatical errors. |
Category | Weight | 31 – 40 Points | 21 – 30 Points | 11 – 20 Points | 1 – 10 Points | 0 Points |
Verbal Delivery | 14% | Poised, clear articulation; proper volume; steady rate; enthusiasm; confidence; speaker is clearly comfortable in front of a group. Uses correct, precise pronunciation of terms. Selects rich and varied words for context and uses correct grammar. Sentences are complete and grammatical, and they flow together easily. Words are chosen for their precise meaning. |
Clear articulation but not as polished; slightly uncomfortable at times. The presenter’s voice is clear and shows command of the subject matter, but presenter sounds uncomfortable. Pronounces most words correctly. Selects words appropriate for the context and uses correct grammar. For the most part, sentences are complete, grammatical and they flow together easily. With a few exceptions, words are chosen for their precise meaning. |
Audience occasionally has trouble hearing the presentation. Presenter sounds uncomfortable and lacks confidence. Incorrectly pronounces terms. Selects words inappropriate for context; uses incorrect grammar. The audience can follow the presentation, but some grammatical errors and use of slang are evident. Some sentences are incomplete/ halting, and/or vocabulary is somewhat limited or inappropriate. |
Presenter is obviously anxious and/or is monotone with little or no expression. Student mumbles, pronounces terms incorrectly. Selects words inappropriate for context; uses incorrect grammar. The audience cannot focus on the ideas presented because of difficulties with grammar and appropriate vocabulary. |
Presenter cannot be heard. |
The grade for each category is calculated by multiplying the weight for the category times the number of points awarded for the category to arrive at the weighted score for the category. The final grade is the sum of all category-weighted scores.
Category | Weight | Points Earned | Weighted Score |
Project Description | 10% | 40 | 4.0 |
Base Map | 15% | 40 | 6.0 |
Alternate Route Map Completeness | 15% | 25 | 3.75 |
Spreadsheet Completeness | 5% | 30 | 1.5 |
Final Route Selection | 5% | 36 | 1.8 |
Route Selection Process | 5% | 20 | 1.0 |
Address Public Participation | 5% | 25 | 1.25 |
Presentation (Parts A, B, And C) | 40% | 35 | 15.75 |
Total Score | 100% | -- | 35.05 out of 40 = 87.6% |