By this time, you should have submitted your Final Project proposal and received a response from one of your instructors. You have the final two weeks of the course to work on your individual projects. Please submit your agreed-upon deliverables to the Final Project Drop Box by the course end date on the calendar.
There are two parts to the term project submission:
- the documented code and data needed to run it as agreed-upon in the proposal feedback process.
- a write-up describing the project purpose and approach and reflecting on the development and lessons learned from it, as well as providing instructions on how to run and test the code.
More information on these two parts of your term project submission and how they should be submitted can be found below. Please see the project grading rubric on Canvas to understand exactly how these requirements will be evaluated.
In addition to the term project, please don't forget to take the final review quiz linked in the Final Project section on Canvas. The quiz is worth 10% of your final grade.
Code and data
Make sure that the code you submit is clean, well documented and of high quality. Graders should be able to test run your code with only minimal adaptations. If you cannot avoid hard-coded paths, make sure that these are cleanly defined at the beginning of your script and your grader only needs to change the path at one place in the code.
Submit a single .zip file to the corresponding drop box in the Final Project section on the Canvas; the zip file should contain:
- Your code and all other files making up your project including the data needed to run and test it
- Your project write-up (see below)
When you turn in your final project, make sure you include sample data so that your grader can evaluate how well it works. If your sample data is large (greater than 10-20 MB), please keep in touch with your grader to ensure that he or she can successfully get the data. You can use your Penn State OneDrive storage to deliver your data to your grader or alternatively a public service like DropBox, Google Drive, etc., and include the link to your data in your submission.
Project write-up
Your write-up should provide enough information for the grader to test and evaluate the project, preferably as a set of numbered steps that graders can follow. If the graders cannot figure out how to run your project, they may deduct functionality points. The write-up should also describe how you approached the project, whether you ran into any issues and how you solved them, and something you learned during the project. The write-up should be well written and structured, reflective, and it should not seem “rushed”.
This course has been a pleasure and I wish you the best in your future Python and programming endeavors!