GEOG 488
Acquiring and Integrating Geospatial Data

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Lesson 5, 6: Working With Data Formats


Introduction: Data Integration

A. Goals

Upon completion of module 5/6, you will be able to describe common data formats, diagnose the characteristics of unfamiliar data types, determine appropriate data formats given intended data use, incorporate various types of GIS data (e.g., tabular data in printed form, National Map data, GPS data, CAD data, LIDAR or other remotely-sensed data) into a GIS database, transform data from one format to another, understand GIS software functionality related to data conversion, import and export, editing, updating, and revising, and explain interoperability and the initiatives that are under way to accomplish that goal.

B. Background

Now that you've done an assessment of data for your area and started the acquisition process, chances are good that you've come across data that are in different formats. Whether they are data in another software format, tabular data, in an interchange format (e.g., .e00 files), or simply in different coordinate spaces, you probably have to do some kind of manipulation to make the data work together. In this lesson we will begin to get familiar with how to bring data from different sources together. With more and more organizations becoming familiar with the importance of interoperability, this task should get easier with time, as data will be made available in formats that are more easily integrated.

C. Module Overview

  1. Describe common data formats
  2. Diagnose the characteristics of unfamiliar data types
  3. Determine appropriate data formats given intended data use
  4. Incorporate various types of GIS data into a GIS database
  5. Transform data from one format to another
  6. Understand GIS software functionality related to data conversion, import and export, editing, updating, and revising
  7. Explain interoperability and the initiatives that are under way to accomplish that goal

D. Deliverables

This module is two weeks in length. Please refer to the course Calendar tab, in ANGEL, for the due date.

Please see the Deliverables section at the end of Part II for this week's readings and action items.